Training courses

Take part in a variety of free training courses on our teacher development platform. Explore a range of topics, from assessing learners to planning a great lesson. Study at your own pace and join our Facebook community to share your learning with other teachers and get feedback and guidance from our experienced tutors.

Find out about all our courses running from April 2024 - March 2025 by downloading our training courses calendar.

A Black teacher and a gender-neutral learner writing something on a classroom board.

Managing learning

Learn how to evaluate and write engaging lesson plans, and explore techniques for effective transitions, signalling, task-setting and checking instructions. This new course will open on 7 October 2025, and will open for enrolment soon.

A multilingual primary group with five students

English in the multilingual classroom

This course will introduce you to multilingualism and what it means. Learn how to make your classroom and teaching multilingual so that your learners can learn to celebrate and use many languages in the real world. English in the multilingual classroom will open again on 8 October 2025, and will open for enrolment soon.

Child and adult happily writing

TeachingEnglish: How to teach writing

Improve your learners' writing skills by exploring the sub skills that make good writers and ways of developing them in the classroom. How to teach writing will open again on 9 October 2025, and will open for enrolment soon.

A White primary-aged learner with Down’s Syndrome has his hand up in a classroom.

TeachingEnglish: How to teach vocabulary

Help your learners notice, record, recycle and use new vocabulary more confidently with engaging classroom activities. How to teach vocabulary will open again on 9 October 2025, and will open for enrolment soon.

A group of primary-aged learners in a classroom sitting at desks. A White teacher is giving a Black learner a high-five.

Managing learners and resources

Learn how to manage resources, groupings and differentiation effectively to help build positive relationships with learners in your classroom. Managing learners and resources will open again on 7 January 2026, and enrolment will open soon.

A Black teacher is holding a notebook at the front of a primary classroom and smiling at her learners. Some of her learners have their hands up.

Classroom management for primary

Give your primary learners the best environment to learn English by improving your management of instructions, learning activities, resources and physical space. Classroom management for primary will open again on 7 January 2026, and enrolment will open soon.

A group of primary-aged learners sitting at a table, working together on something. The photo is taken from above. The learners are of different genders and ethnic backgrounds.

Organising the classroom

Learn how to use boards and other classroom resources effectively. Develop strategies for promoting social language, starting and finishing lessons and managing different interaction patterns in class. This new course will open on 7 January 2026, and will open for enrolment soon.

TeachingEnglish: Communication skills

Enrolment for Communication skills is now closed. Find resources connected to the course contents on this page, and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on when our courses open.

Understanding language systems

Enrolment for Understanding language systems is now closed. Find resources connected to the course contents on this page, and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on when our courses open.

Research and insight

Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

See our publications, research and insight