Welcome to 'TeachingEnglish: Motivating learners'
How will the course help you?
Get learners actively involved in your lessons with effective, engaging learning activities they want to do.
What does the course include?
Motivating learners is a free self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. It also includes:
- A dedicated Facebook community of course participants with up-to-date insight, resources and innovative ideas for you to try out.
- Engaging discussions taking place in the Facebook community
- Live events with your course tutor and language teaching experts.
- A free workbook with extra learning content and resources.
What will you learn?
- Module 1: Understanding learner motivation
The aim of this module is to introduce some common theories of motivation and consider how these theories relate to teaching and learning. You'll find out about elements of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as the importance of micro aspects of motivation in the classroom.
- Module 2: Understanding motivation in the classroom
The aim of this module is to enable you to create a motivational classroom environment. It covers classroom strategies to create a motivational atmosphere and the role of feedback in motivation.
- Module 3: Engaging with motivational activities
The aim of this module is to consider how different classroom activities can be energising and motivational for learners. The module looks at different common motivational problems and how targeted classroom activities can minimise these.
When is the course?
Motivating learners will be open from 1 April-24 June 2025, and enrolment will open soon.
How much does the course cost?
The course is free.
How can you get a certificate?
You will receive a certificate if you successfully complete all self-study modules.
What level of English do I need?
Minimum CEFR B1
What can I do now?
If you're interested in learning more about motivating learners, you can:
- Get teaching ideas from our Courses for teachers Facebook community.
- Access learning content related to our courses on Facebook (Facebook account required).
- Access teaching resources on the TeachingEnglish website
- Download the free course workbook
- Sign up to the free newsletter to keep up to date on when our courses open.
Course access
Hi Tinara
Sorry you weren't able to complete the course on time. Unfortunately it is not possible to reopen the course after the deadline has passed. We hope to run the course again in the future. You can sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date on all our latest courses and events here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/subscribe-our-newsletter
TeachingEnglish team
How to enrolled this course
How do I get enrolled for this course? There is no button. Thank you.
Course not currently available
Hi Randa
This course has now closed - we hope to run it again next year. To keep up to date with all the latest courses, events and news, you can subscribe to our newsletter here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/subscribe-our-newsletter
TeachingEnglish team
I cannot find "My awards" section.
I´ve already received the notification and congratulations for finishing the Motivating course. Unfortunately , I cannot find "My rewards section" where to download the certificate. Could you help me please?
You need to log on to the course platform as usual (through MY PORTFOLIO) and then click on the "My awards" tab which you will find at the top of the screen. If you are having problems, you can use the orange "help" button on the courses page.
TeachingEnglish team
Failed to enroll
Yes I followed, given all steps but faild to enrol.I just don't find any enrolment button .
Hi Farah
You need to be logged into your TeachingEnglish account - if you don't have an account you need to set one up (Step 1 under "How do I sign up for this course?"). Once you have logged in, if you click on Step 2 you will see a drop down menu with the enrol button.
Please write to us at Teachingenglish@britishcouncil.org.uk if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Hi Anna
I'm afraid this course has now closed. You can keep up to date on all our latest courses, events and resources by subscribing to our newsletter here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/subscribe-our-newsletter
TeachingEnglish team
I can't enroll
I cannot enroll in this course. It says "Enrolment ends on 3rd July" but I still cannot enroll. I hope someone helps :)
Hi BurakBilecen
Have you followed the two steps under "How do I sign up for this course?" above on this page?
Can you let us know the problem you are having? If you have created an account on TeachingEnglish and are logged in you should be able to just click under step 2 (Enroll on the course) and sign up.
Please let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Problem with accessing the course from mobile
I enrolled the course from my mobile. But till then I can't get access to the course. Many a times I tried but failed.
Course access
Hi abutareq
Are you logged into your TeachingEnglish account? If so, can you see the "MY PORTFOLIO" tab? Can you click on that and then "my courses" - this should take you to the courses platform. If you find that you are taken back to your profile page, you need to log out of your account and then log back in again. This should resolve your issue. Please send us a message at teachingenglish@britishcouncil.org if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Issues with the "My courses" section
Since a few hours today, I can't access "My courses". When I click on it, it says "the connection is not private" with a warning sign. Could you fix that, please?
Technical issue
Hi Natty_Natty
Apologies for this - there is a technical issue with the site which we are working to resolve as soon as possible. Thanks for letting us know, and sorry for the inconvenience.
TeachingEnglish team
Password Issues
I forgot my Password and all efforts to reset it proved abortive. I can only access my account via a one time access. I'm being asked to enter current password when that is exactly what I'm havig issues with.
Reset password
In order to change your password, you need to make sure you are using the same e-mail address that you used to sign up for your TeachingEnglish account. That is where the link to reset your password will go. It's a good idea to also check the spam folder.
If you are still having problems, please write to us at TeachingEnglish@britishcouncil.org
TeachingEnglish team
Problems on enroll
Hello, I really appriciate that you offer us the chance to learn free course,but I can't find any place to enroll, where is step 3? Is that because of the website or the browser? I have downloaded google chrome, but I still cannot see "enroll". Thank you.
Course access
Hi Yangyl,
If you have set up an account and are logged in, then you need to click on this link to go to the course website: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes
Here you will see all of the courses that are currently available, and each one has an "Enrol in activity" button, which you just need to click. If when you click the link above you are taken back to your profile page, you need to follow the troubleshooting steps - basically log out of your account, clear your cache, and then log back in again. This time when you click on the link it will take you to the courses website.
Hope this helps,
TeachingEnglish team
I just finished the course Motivating learners, but I didn't obtain mine, I checked ''My awards'' section but nothing happened
Hi Kerlly
Can you use the orange "Help" button on the bottom right of the screen to report this to the courses team? They should be able to resolve this issue.
TeachingEnglish team
There's no any orange help button, I need to get my certificate
Help button
Hi Kerlly
You need to be logged in to your TeachingEnglish account and then to access the courses website here: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes
Once you are on the courses webpage the orange "help" button is on the bottom right of the screen.
Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Course access
Hi Shabina
You need to follow the steps 1-4 above to enrol on this course.
If you have set up your account and logged in, you should be able to access the courses website here: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes The course appears under "Explore all courses" tab - you then just need to click to enrol.
Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Button "enroll"?
How do I get enrolled for this course? There is no button. Thank you.
Course access
Hi Viviana
You need to follow the steps 1-4 above to enrol on this course.
If you have set up your account and logged in, you should be able to access the courses website here: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes The course appears under "Explore all courses" tab - you then just need to click to enrol.
Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
I can not enroll to the course
This course doesnt have a button "enroll" !!!
Course access
Hi Liliya11
If you have set up your account and logged in, you should be able to access the courses website here: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes The course appears under "Explore all courses" tab - you then just need to click to enrol.
Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Hi Markusvashira
If you have set up your account and logged in, you should be able to access the courses website here: https://open.teachingenglish.org.uk/Home/ExploreProgrammes The course appears under "Explore all courses" tab - you then just need to click to enrol.
Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
Problem with enroll to the course
I have an account and previously I do not have a problem with enrollment in the other courses. But this course DOES NOT HAVE A BUTTON ENROL! I wait for ti the start date of 11 April but even now it is no button to enrol from my account.
Course access
Hi Olena
I've just checked the courses website and if you go to "Explore all courses" you will find this course there. The "Enrol in this activity" button is working fine. Can you try again please? Let us know if you are still having problems.
TeachingEnglish team
I am teaching chemistry for general secondary students.
i need to join this course
Course access
Hi Chem-muhammad hosni
Our courses are aimed at English language teachers, but of course you might find some of the strategies and techniques useful in your chemistry teaching. The course is self-access and free to join. You can register using the instructions (Step 1-4) above. If you need any further help, let us know.
TeachingEnglish team
Cannot register
I cannot register. It's always the same, I have an account and I don't find a button where I can click on to register and access the course, I only find the instructions and they're useless
Re: Cannot register
Hi Rebeca22
We are sorry you are having problems accessing your training. I can see that you have accessed our training courses. If you are having problems, can you log out of your account and then log back in again. In the top menu you should then see MY PORTFOLIO > My Courses.
Click or tap on 'My courses' to go to the training courses you have enrolled in.
Paul (TeachingEnglish team)
Unfortunately,our students are lack of motivation in learning languages or studying.I'd like to get more knowledge how to motivate them to learn English.
Course access
Hi Christy
To register for the course, you need to follow the instructions (steps 1-4) above.
Hope you find the course useful,
TeachingEnglish team
Good afternoon!
I am sorry I couldn't complete the course "Motivating learners" on time, because I got sick. I have finished modules 1 and 2, but haven't done the last module 3. Is there any opportunities to finish it and get a certificate?
Looking forward to your reply.