Welcome to TeachingEnglish: How to teach speaking
How will the course help you?
Develop your understanding of speaking skills and explore teaching techniques and activities which promote oral communication in the classroom for a range of ages and levels.
What does the course include?
How to teach speaking is a free self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. It also includes:
- A dedicated Facebook community of course participants with up-to-date insight, resources and innovative ideas for you to try out.
- Engaging discussions taking place in the Facebook community
- A free workbook with extra learning content and resources.
What will you learn?
- Module 1: Understanding speaking – key terms and issues
The aim of this module is to explore key terms and issues in the teaching of speaking. You'll look at how to evaluate and modify activities in terms of communicative quality, and consider how to get your learners using 'real speaking', not just completing grammar tasks.
- Module 2: Understanding speaking – maximising interaction
The aim of this module is to introduce you to a range of techniques and activities which promote speaking in your classroom. You'll look at the benefits of pair and group work and adapt tasks to maximise learner interaction.
- Module 3: Understanding language practice activities
The aim of this module is to explore and evaluate a range of practice activities. The module also looks at flexible activities that can be adapted for different ages and levels. You have the opportunity to select appropriate activities which match with lesson aims, and justify your choices.
When is the course?
How to teach speaking will be open from 3 April-30 September 2025. Enrolment will open soon.
How much does the course cost?
The course is free.
How can you get a certificate?
You will receive a certificate if you successfully complete all self-study modules.
What level of English do you need?
Minimum CEFR B1
What can you do now?
If you're interested in learning more about teaching speaking, you can:
- Get teaching ideas from our Courses for teachers Facebook community.
- Access learning content related to our courses on Facebook (Facebook account required).
- Access teaching resources on the TeachingEnglish website
- Download the free course workbook.
Enrolling to the course
Hi! I´ll be so happy to learn how to teach my students speaking. I want to register, how can I do it?
How to teach speaking
Hi La Paloma,
The courses are timetabled at different times across the year and we don't have a new date for 'How to teach speaking' at the moment. Keep your eye on the main training page on our site for any new dates.. If you are interested, the next MOOC, starting June 7th, is https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/language-resilience-teaching-english-refugees-and-displaced-learners. Also, here is the link to a 'live session' on facebook about 'how to teach speaking', hope you find it interesting. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=251370933775521
TeachingEnglish team
Course start dates
Hi Sarif,
The course starts on June 7th. On and after that date if you log in to your TeachingEnglish account and to your `portfolio', you should be able to access the course, and also to interact with all the teachers from across the world who will be doing it with you. Hope you enjoy it!
If you think there is a problem with your account on 7th or after, try logging out of TeachingEnglish, clear cache and log back in, that usually works.
TeachingEnglish team
Is the course finished? When will it start again?
Is the course finished? When will it start again?
Course dates
Hi kallia_studies,
The course starts on June 7th. On and after that date if you log in to your TeachingEnglish account and to your `portfolio', you should be able to access the course, and also to interact with all the teachers from across the world who will be doing it with you. Hope you enjoy it!
Anne TeachingEnglish team
Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners course
Hi AamirKhan64- so glad that this course starting in June will be useful to you and your students 'Language for resilience: Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners!
Anne :)
TeachingEnglish team
How can I enroll the course "How to teach speaking"?
Hello Team!
I am so interested in the courses by British Council. I would like to enrol for the course. Although I have created the account and logged in also, I can't see any tab for the enrollment of the course "How to teach speaking". I can see My Portfolio: My course on the menu, but I am unble to see how to enrol for the course. Thank you so much.
Course dates
Hi Cuctran,
Glad you are interested in our 'How to teach speaking' course - it will be available later in 2022, we don't have a date yet, but it will be published on the course page when it is set, keep checking in now and then :).
Regards from the TeachingEnglish team
Teaching Pathways: How to teach Speaking
When would the next batch of the "How to teach speaking" start? Do you have any in person courses in London on teaching spoken English to adults?
Course dates and query about face to face courses
Hi Kamla,
The team here are planning the schedule for our MOOCs so we don't have a definite date yet for 'How to teach speaking', please check back on the main page every now and then for news of upcoming course dates. Hoping that they bring it out soon too :).
To answer your question about face to face courses in London, you'll be able to get information from our colleagues in British Council, UK at the direct email : https://www.britishcouncil.org/contact. We don't run course, we are the 'accrediting body' for courses run in institutions across the whole of the UK. If that email for any reason doesn't respond quickly, get back to me here :).
Best regards,
TeachingEnglish team
Teaching pathways: How to teach pronunciation
I would like to sign up
Course dates
Hi ifeloju alakija,
Information about any new courses is published on the main course page, so just like the speaking one you asked about, dates for the pronunciation course would be published there.
TeachingEnglish team
Course dates
Hi Neftali,
The course isn't running at the moment. Keep your eyes on the teaching English courses page, if there is a new run of it dates will be published there.
TeachingEnglish team
I can't enroll the course "How to teach speaking"
Though I have created an account, logged in and then logged out so that I would have seen 'My portfolio" icon, I can't see this icon or any others likely to enrol the course. Please help me to get enrolled. Thank you so much.
Course dates
Hi Cuctran,
The course isn't running at the moment. Keep your eyes on the teaching English courses page, if there is a new run of it dates will be published there. the problem about not seeing your icon fro Portfolio is usually solved by logging out then back in, or clearing your cache.
TeachingEnglish team
I have created an account and logged in, but I cannot enroll this course. I have not found access icon.
Course dates
Hi Zaw Linn Naing
This course is now finished and closed for registration. It may be offered again later in 2022, so please check back.
TE Team
Course dates
This course is now finished and closed for registration. It may be offered again later in 2022, so please check back.
TE Team
How to finish
I've completed 2 modules (80%) and only 1 module is not finished, but I cannot open the links of this page. What do I do wrong?
Hi Neyerdy,
Sorry to hear you couldn't access the other module. Usually that's a temporary problem, try logging out and back in again, clearing your cache etc. Hope you can get back to it.
TEnglish team
How to teach speaking
I'm interested in this course because I think it will help me in my English teaching process. Besides I want to know when will it be available?
Course dates
Hi Esther,
We don't have a confirmed start date for a new run of Teaching pathways: How to teach Speaking. New dates will be published on the main page when they are programmed. The course we are currently running is Teaching Pathways: Skills for Remote Teaching, you can still register until 9th May if you are interested. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/teaching-pathways-skills-rem…
TeachingEnglish team
How to teach speaking
I'm really interesten in the speaking course!
Re: How to reach speaking
Hi Olga
We hope that this course will run again soon.
Thank you
Paul (TeachingEnglish team)
How to teach speaking
I followed the steps you suggested, but I couldn't enroll the course!
Course is not currently running (Reply to ECE)
ECE the How to teach speaking course is not currently running/open for enrolment.
Courses you can enrol on right now (April 22') are:
- Teaching pathways: Skills for remote teaching (running now)
- Language for resilience: Teaching English to refugees and displaced learners (starts in June 2022)
New courses are added regularly, so keep checking back!
Hope that help, Chris
How to start the training
After completion all the procedures according to your direction , but did start the training . what is the reason ?
Hi Habibur, I am sorry you…
Hi Habibur,
I am sorry you have had some problems with the course. If you are looking for the Teaching pathways: How to teach Speaking course, we are afraid it is now closed. But the next course we are running is Teaching Pathways: Skills for Remote Teaching and it started yesterday.
- Log in to TeachingEnglish
- Click this link Explore courses
- Click Enrol in activity on this course
- Go to the menu My learning>My courses and start the course.
Good luck!
Kirsteen (the TeachingEnglish team)
Want to enrol!
Hello, I've been looking for to be a certified teacher and i think I'm on the right way. When will this course start? please inform me.
Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking
Hi Roseanne,
We don't have a start date confirmed for this course yet, we'll publicise it on the Teaching English page when we do. The next course we are running is Skills for Remote Teaching from April 12th.
Teaching English team
Teaching pathways: How to teach speaking
I want to join the course please
Course dates
Hi Omar,
We don't have a confirmed start date for a new run of Teaching pathways: How to teach Speaking. New dates will be published on the main page when they are programmed. The next course we are running is Teaching Pathways: Skills for Remote Teaching, starting on 12th April. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/teaching-pathways-skills-rem…
I think there is something…
I think there is something wrong with the system. I can't open the my courses.
Teaching pathway course
I already signed in,but still cant join it.i've tried it several times .
This course is finished for now
This course is now finished. It will be offered again later in 2022, so please check back on the main page later in the year. The next course we are running is https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/teaching-pathways-skills-rem….
TeachingEnglish team
Teaching pathway course
My awards dissapeared and I could not fill the feedback.
End of course
Hi Nilufar,
I am sorry to hear you had technical problems, I hope that they reappeared for you so you could complete.
best regards,
TeachingEnglish team
Accessing Courses
I can't access any course, I can't find "My Portfolio" on the menu bar
My portfolio
I hope you have found this now - it may have been linked to some technical problems caused by an upgrade to the site. It should be fine now.
TeachingEnglish team
Not able to enroll
I created an account but I am not able to enroll. Please help!
How to teach speaking has no current cohort
Hi Nitya,
That course has finished for now. You can see any current courses advertised on the main pages, so you'll see it there if it's run again. The next course starting is https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/teaching-pathways-skills-rem… on April 12th.
TeachingEnglish team
Not working
May training is taking ages because I can't access that. It's error all the time. =/
Course access
There were technical difficulties as we changed systems, I am sorry to hear that it slowed down your progress, hope that you managed to complete it and found it interesting.
TeachingEnglish team
Problems in enrolling and subscribing
Unfortunately, I can't enroll because the course How to teach speaking is still unavailable and the web-page of My courses is not opened, just blank page. Also I can't subscribe to newsletter, the same blank page.Help me, please, to solve these problems.
Hi, We recommend that you sign up for our regular teacher newsletter, which goes out every two weeks. Information about upcoming courses and other events will be included in the newsletter. You can register for the free newsletter here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/subscribe-our-newsletter
Paul (TeachingEnglish team)