Planning courses

Discover how to plan learner-centred courses based on your learners, their context and curriculum requirements. Explore techniques for analysing learner needs and involving them as active participants in the assessment process. Access Planning courses now – enrol until 24 March 2025.

Welcome to Planning courses

How can you enrol?

Log in to your TeachingEnglish account and click the button below to enrol on this free course.

Enrol button

How will the course help you?

Discover how to plan learner-centred courses based on your learners, their context and curriculum requirements. Explore techniques for analysing learner needs and involving them as active participants in the assessment process.

What does the course include?

Planning courses is a free self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. It also includes:

What will you learn?

Module 1: Integrating syllabus design and schemes of work

The aim of this module is to help you design and write a syllabus and plan a scheme of work. You'll be able to differentiate between different elements in course planning, identify which elements are under your control in your context and be able to discuss different types of syllabus.

Module 2: Engaging with learner needs

The aim of this module is to enable you to consider your learners' needs by using a process of needs analysis. You'll be able to evaluate specific learner needs and produce tools to analyse the needs of your learners. This module also considers how you can apply the results of learner needs assessment to the learners you teach.

Module 3: Engaging with learner progress

This module aims to help you engage learners as active participants in tracking their progress through the plan you've made for their learning. You'll evaluate learner-centred assessment approaches and design learner-centred assessment that considers syllabus outcomes, curriculum and learner needs and involves the learners as active participants in the process.

When is the course?

The free online modules are available now. Enrolment closes on 24 March and the course closes on 31 March 2025.

How much does the course cost?

The course is free.

How can you get a certificate?

You will receive a certificate if you successfully complete all self-study modules.

What level of English do you need?

Minimum CEFR B1

How do you sign up for the course?

Please follow the steps below carefully to access this free training course.

IMPORTANT: If you are already logged in to your free TeachingEnglish account, we recommend that you log out and log in again.

Step 1: Log in to your existing TeachingEnglish account or create a free TeachingEnglish account.

You MUST be logged into your free TeachingEnglish account to access the course. Click or tap to Create a free account or log in to your existing account

Step 2: Enrol on your course

Click or tap the button below to enrol on this free course.

Enrol button

How do you access the course after you've enrolled?

IMPORTANT: If you didn't log out of TeachingEnglish after your previous visit, do this first.

From your desktop or laptop computer

1. Log in to your free TeachingEnglish account.
2. If you have enrolled in the course, you will see 'MY PORTFOLIO' in the menu bar at the top of the page next to the Home button.
3. Move your mouse over MY PORTFOLIO to see the drop-down menu.
4. Click on ‘My courses’ to access your training.

From your mobile device

1. Log in to your free TeachingEnglish account.
2. Tap the three horizontal lines next to the home button to open the menu.
3. Below ‘Home’, you will see MY PORTFOLIO and ‘My courses’ below. Tap on MY PORTFOLIO if you don’t see ‘My courses’.
4. Tap on ‘My courses’ to access your training.

Having problems accessing the course?

Please see our troubleshooting guide below if you are having problems accessing the course.

Support and troubleshooting

If you have signed up for this course and have problems accessing your learning, please make sure you are logged in, then click or tap the link below:

If you are still having problems accessing your course, please see the advice and videos below:

I can't register for the course

Please make sure you have created a free TeachingEnglish account or that you are logged in to your existing account. If registration is available, you will see instructions for 'How do I register for this course?' at the top of this page. If registration is not available, you will see the message 'This course is not available for registration'.

I can't access the course. I am logged in to my account, but when I click or tap 'My courses' from MY PORTFOLIO I just go to my profile page

Check that you are not logged into your TeachingEnglish account on a different device or browser. Log out of your account on all devices and browsers, and log in again. Click or tap 'My courses' from MY PORTFOLIO. You should be taken to your training course. If you still can't access your course, log out, clear the cache on your browser and log in again.

I can't get my certificate

Certificates are available to participants who complete 100% of the course material. To access your certificate, go to the course platform where you have done your training. Click or tap 'My awards'. If you have completed 100% of the course, your certificate should be available to download.

The name on my certificate is wrong

On the course platform where you access your training, please use the 'Help' button to request a new certificate. Names on certificates are taken from your personal details in your free TeachingEnglish account. To change your name, click or tap on your name to edit your profile. Update the details on your profile page and save the new details.

What can you do now?

While you're waiting for the online modules to open, if you're interested in learning more about planning courses, you can:

File attachments


Submitted by ABDULLAH CHANDIO on Sun, 02/09/2025 - 09:05

I have completed all modules with 100% and my over all score is 80% but I can't find my Certificate in reward. Kindly guide me

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Wed, 02/12/2025 - 09:13



Thanks for your comment. I've just checked your profile and it looks like you have only completed 80% of the course. Your progress needs to be 100% to get the certificate. If you think there is an error with your progress, please contact the courses team directly by using the orange 'Help' button on the courses page.

Thanks, and hope you are enjoying our courses.

TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by JOLIAN.MOHAMED… on Fri, 12/27/2024 - 19:25

I'm very glad to know about this coures
I'm too excited 😊

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Mon, 02/10/2025 - 09:30

In reply to by JOLIAN.MOHAMED…


Thanks for your comment, and we hope you enjoy the course!

TeachingEnglish team


We're happy that you are going to join the course! Remember this course starts in February - you can also join our TeachingEnglish Facebook community to keep up to date with course news, live events and interact with other course members. You can join the group here:


TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by Tertia Fourie on Sat, 11/09/2024 - 18:29

When will we be able to register for this course? So looking forward to it.
Kind regards

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Mon, 11/11/2024 - 09:00

In reply to by Tertia Fourie

Hi Tertia

Thanks for your message. This course will open in February, and enrolment will be opening soon, so keep an eye on this page. You can also sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on our upcoming courses, events and new resources. Sign up here:

Hope that helps and hope you enjoy the course when it starts!

Best wishes,

TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by Shimeles on Sun, 10/13/2024 - 16:57

Good to be part of a course that helps analyze learners' need based on their priorities, the context in which they learn, and the curriculum they are in. I've been waiting for this course to appear in order to update and sharpen my skills as a practicing teacher.

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Mon, 10/14/2024 - 08:30

In reply to by Shimeles

Hi Shimeles

We're glad to have you on the course and hope you find it useful!


TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by silva.lu80 on Tue, 10/08/2024 - 14:14

I'm glad it’s available! I really want to take it.

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Fri, 10/11/2024 - 08:04

In reply to by silva.lu80

Hi silva.lu80

Yes, the course is available from February 2025. We hope you enjoy it!


TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by Emma-Zhao on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 06:20

I am very glad to know this Teachingenglish programe that I can sharpen my teaching skills.

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