From task preparation to a suggested correction code, our Teaching writing poster gives you lots of helpful ideas to use in the classroom when setting writing tasks for your learners.

Teaching Tools
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The poster provides tips to help your learners prepare for their writing tasks, advising on the information and details you should give them to help them plan ahead. This will help you to get the best work out of them.

It also provides useful tips to help you correct your learners' writing, including the use of correction codes to help them learn from their mistakes. There are also actions your learners can take to correct their peers' work.

Additionally, the poster gives ideas and inspiration for fun writing tasks, including group activities. Incorporating fun into writing helps to improve active learning, learner engagement and motivation.

How to use the Teaching writing poster

To view the Teaching writing poster, you can download it to your device and use it as a digital resource, referring to it whenever you need some inspiration. Alternatively, feel free to print it out and display it in your classroom, other learning environment or office – wherever suits you!

Download your Teaching writing poster

To download the poster, just click on the link below.

File attachments


Hi Atta

Thanks for your comment - our Teaching Writing course will run again in August / September of this year.  You can find out more about the  course here: and also access the participant workbook.

Hope that helps,


TeachingEnglish team 


Submitted by Hwafahassan34 on Thu, 03/02/2023 - 18:04

I think you should try to know about writting skills and it has more way to be creative writer and that s individual skill and this is different from teacher to other

Submitted by Naila Faisal on Tue, 09/13/2022 - 17:46

It's a wonderful tip to of providing the students with scrap papers to present the idea of each individual in the classroom. The shy students will also feel confident in writing their own topic.

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