Tiny Cinderella Somewhere is a set of teaching resources designed to encourage students to use their higher level critical thinking skills speaking about an image. The focus of this lesson is on the use of fixed phrases and idioms, sentence stress and telling the story behind an image.

Tiny Cinderella somewhere via ELTPics
13 - 17

The materials accompanying this pack are designed to be used with higher level (B2+) students.

Each pack in this series includes an audio recording of the photographer talking about their photo, together with a complete downloadable lesson plan on how to exploit the image and the audio. There are downloadable student worksheets and a full-size copy of the image.

In this lesson, students are asked to do the following:

  • to practise language chunks (idioms, fixed phrases etc.)
  • to listen for specific information
  • to focus on sentence stress (Speaking and Pronunciation skills)
  • to write and tell a story based on an image (Writing and Speaking)

 ELTPics photo by @harrisonmike

See all the lesson plans in this series



Submitted by elliottenglish on Wed, 10/28/2020 - 13:18

Hello I have tried the audio on Firefox and Microsoft Edge and neither work.  It's not possible to listen to it in any way!  Is this going to be fixed?

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Thu, 10/29/2020 - 11:04

In reply to by elliottenglish


Sorry that you are having problems with this. I have uploaded the file again. If you click on the audio file in the downloads (not on the player), you should be able to open the file, and either listen to it directly or download it to your device.

Let us know if you are still having problems.



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