Use this lesson with secondary students to promote upcycling and its role in sustainability. 

Teenagers looking at plants
Katherine Bilsborough
13 - 17

The Climate Action in Language Education series:

This lesson is part of our series of 'Climate Action in Language Education' teaching materials. There are twelve lesson plans in the series, available for teachers of primary, secondary and adult learners of English. See the full list of lesson plans in this series.


This lesson focuses on upcycling to inspire learners to upcycle everyday items. This lesson will help learners to develop the vocabulary they need to discuss sustainability and help them understand that they can make their world greener. The lesson begins with a warmer to introduce the topic. This is followed by an activity with key ‘green’ vocabulary and a text analysis activity to model the language they need.. Learners play an upcycling speaking game, where they start thinking creatively about the possibilities that upcycling offers. The homework crossword reviews the lesson vocabulary. To extend this into a collaborative project, learners can plan, prepare, research and present their ideas for an upcycling project.

The lesson plan and student materials have been designed to be used in either face-to-face classrooms or remote teaching contexts.

Learning outcomes:

  • Become more aware of sustainability issues
  • Review and learn vocabulary related to giving instructions
  • Develop creativity and critical thinking
  • Use communication and collaborative skills
  • Develop speaking and reading skills

Age and level:

Aged 13-17 (CEFR B2)


45 or 55 minutes. This can be extended to make a multi-lesson project.


The materials can be downloaded below in PDF format.

  • Lesson plan for remote teaching contexts (55 minutes)
  • Lesson plan for face-to-face classroom teaching (45 minutes)
  • Presentation
  • Student worksheets
  • Game board
Task 1: Warmer (10 minutes)
  • On the board, write: upcycle; down cycle, pro cycle, com cycle, recycle (or show slide 2)
  • Ask learners to guess which three words are real
  • Answers: Recycle, Upcycle and down cycle
  • Note: Oxford dictionary definitions:
  1. Recycle: To process (waste) so as to convert it into a usable form
  2. Upcycle: To reuse (waste material) to create a product of higher quality or value than the original, and to reduce the need for new raw materials
  3. Down cycle: To reuse (waste material) to create a product of lower quality or value than the original.
Task 2: Vocabulary (10 minutes)
  • Show slide 3 or write the following words on the board: reuse; rescue; conserve; value; scrap; resource; discard; landfill; recycle; sustainability; remake; consume
  • Ask learners to discuss the meaning of the words in small groups
  • Elicit the meanings as a whole class, gloss the meanings as needed
  • Elicit from learners the topic of the lesson. Accept any reasonable guesses. E.g. The environment; green issues, etc
Task 3: Reading (15 mins)
  • You can display slides 4-7 or use Worksheet 1
  • Ask your learners to read the text, once individually, without trying to complete the gaps.
  • Then, in pairs, ask learners to complete the article using the given words Explain that they might have to change the form of the word, e.g. discard → discarded.
  • Monitor and support as needed
  • Check the answers as a whole class.
  • Answers: 1. discarded, 2. value, 3. recycled, 4. scraps, 5. landfill, 6. rescued,7. conserves, 8. resources, 9. Remaking, 10. sustainability, 11. consume, 12. reuse
Task 4: Post-reading discussion (10 mins)
  • Put learners into small groups to discuss the questions.
  • After the discussion, ask a volunteer from each group to share the most interesting comments or ideas from their group with the rest of the class
Task 5: Homework crossword (15 mins)
  • Give each learner a copy of the crossword. You can display slide 9. 
  • Inform them that they’ve just studied all the relevant crossword vocabulary
  • Put learners into pairs to discuss the answer to 1 across. Elicit the answer.
  • Ask learners to complete their crossword at home.
  • Suggested end of lesson 1.
  • Answers:
  • Across: 1. conserve, 3. resource, 4. discard, 6. landfill, 7. recycle, 9. reuse, 11. rescue, 12. remake
  • Down: 2. sustainability, 5. value, 8. consume, 10. scrap
Task 6: Homework review (5 minutes)
  • Briefly review the crossword answers. You can display slide 10.
Task 7: Language focus (10 mins)
  • Ask learners to work in pairs to complete the text analysis exercise on the recycling project worksheet (You can display slides 11-13)
  • Learners read the information in the table about an upcycling project.
  • Then they discuss the four questions below the table.
  • Suggested answers:
  1. The information is organised in a table. In the first rows there is information about the product and the materials needed. This is followed by a step-by-step guide to make the product.
  2. Yes, the information is clear.
  3. Imperatives/commands, formed by using the infinitive without ‘to’.
  4. Diagrams or photos.
  • Note: The purpose of this exercise is to provide a model of the language that learners will need for the game and an idea of how to structure the information they write for their own mini projects.
Task 8: Play the Upcycling speaking game (20 mins)
  • Organise learners into pairs, A (Blue) and B (Red). Give each pair a copy of the Upcycling speaking game, a blue and red pencil, and a counter. Explain how to play. You can display slide 14.
  • Players take turns to choose a word in the grid. To ‘win’ the hexagon, they have to share a good idea about how to upcycle the object, describing what you need and the steps you need to take.
  • They must convince their partner of their idea. If they are able to do this, they win the hexagon and colour it in their colour (red or blue).
  • Remind learners they should refer to the language in the recycle project example.
  • Demonstrate how to play the game with a stronger learner.
  • The object is to make a joined-up line of hexagons either horizontally (Player A) or vertically (Player B).
  • As the game proceeds, players will try to block their opponent’s path while meandering to complete their own path.
  • Monitor to ensure all pairs are on task
  • The winner is the first player to make a complete horizontal or vertical line.
Task 9: Mini project preparation (10 mins)
  • Explain that learners are going to do a mini upcycling project in pairs or small groups.
  • Write the steps on the board (or display slide 15):
  • Research – plan – prepare – present
  • Discuss each stage in turn, checking with learners what they need to do.
  • Suggested answers:
  1. Research: Learners look online to get ideas for an upcycling project.
  2. Plan: They brainstorm the tasks they need to do to prepare their presentation. Then they share out the tasks.
  3. Prepare: Each learner works on their task to prepare their presentation.
  4. Present: Each pair or group presents their ideas to the class.
Task 10: Homework preparation (10 minutes)
  • Assign learners to small groups.
  • Ask the group to agree on the initial theme of their upcycling project
  • Learners research into their upcycling project for homework
Task 11: Follow up (40 minutes)
  • Organise learners into their groups to discuss their mini projects. They should prepare a presentation and decide. Give learners different roles: facilitator, presenter, designer (if they are preparing posters)
  • If possible, encourage each pair or group to give a presentation on a different product. Make a classroom display with the learners’ upcycling ideas.
  • Note: Encourage learners to try out one of the ideas at home

Contributed by Katherine Bilsborough

Edited by Suzanne Mordue

File attachments
Game board 276.21 KB
Presentation17.88 MB
Homework169.58 KB

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