Use this lesson with secondary or adult students of CEFR Level B2 to raise awareness and discussion around the theme of ethical shopping. 

The interior of a shop
Jo Budden
13 - 17


If there is one thing that people from all countries have in common, it is shopping. Like it or hate it, we are all to some extent consumers, so this is a subject that learners of all ages and nationalities should be able to identify with.

Task 1 is to get learners involved in the topic and asks them to check out the labels on their clothes and study materials to see where they're from. Task 2 asks learners to think about the most important factors when shopping for different items. Task 3 is a reading task which looks at the trend of ethical shopping and consumerism. The next task gives learners some moral shopping dilemmas to discuss. Task 5 looks at how the cost of a typical pair of trainers is divided amongst all the people involved in producing and selling them. 

Teachers can copy the student worksheet, reading texts and quandary cards or can use a presentation for a no printing option.

Learning outcomes:

  • Use vocabulary related to shopping and consumerism
  • Identify and summarise information from a short text about consumer power
  • Participate in discussions about ethical shopping and give opinions

Age and level:

13-17, Adults (B2)


45-50 minutes + optional 15+ minute activity


The materials can be downloaded below.

  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation
  • Student worksheet
  • Reading texts (1 copy x 3 learners)
  • Quandary cards
File attachments

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