This lesson plan for teachers of teenagers and adults at level B1 is about carnivores and herbivores. Students will watch a BBC Earth video.

Exotic bird
Leo Selivan
13 - 17



This lesson focuses on the difference between carnivores and herbivores. Students watch the video Triumph of the Herbivores, available from BBC Earth, about how herbivores escape being eaten by carnivores and then do one of the suggested follow-up activities.


Animals; carnivores and herbivores

Age/ Level

Aged 13-17 and Adult (CEFR B1+)


60 -65 mins

Learning outcomes        

  • practise listening for specific information
  • Discuss interesting facts about animals
  • Use critical thinking skills (categorising and classifying)
  • Review vocabulary related to animals 


  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation - This can replace the worksheet
  • Student worksheet

You'll also need access to: Triumph of the herbivores – Life of Mammals from BBC Earth


File attachments
Lesson plan129.26 KB
Presentation1016.82 KB
Worksheet 91.61 KB


Submitted by Nosheen12 on Wed, 09/27/2023 - 18:34

Well planned and methodical. The worksheet is also a great resource and help.

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