13 - 17
First play with the whole class and then try in groups (good for mixed ability groups).
Guess the word
- This game is good for more abstract words.
- Choose five words relating to recent conversational themes.
- Write sets of clues to help students guess the words.
- Example clues (word = freedom):
- I am a noun but I am very important.
- I begin with the letter 'f'.
- People in prison have lost it and want it back.
- People demand it when it is taken away by dictators.
- It can be related to speech.
Coffee pot
- This game is good for practising and reviewing action verbs and adverbs.
- Ask one student to leave the room.
- The rest of the class chooses a verb, e.g. type, ski, fly.
- The student returns to the room and asks questions to guess the verb.
- The missing verb can be substituted with 'coffee pot'.
- Example questions:
- Why do you coffee pot?
- Where do you coffee pot?
- Do you coffee pot by yourself?
- Do you need any special equipment for coffee potting?
These activities first appeared on the British Council Language Assistant website.