In this lesson, learners will be introduced to the popular story 'Ali and the magic carpet'. They will watch the story, complete comprehension activities, look at some lexis for weather and habitats, and review the story. Finally learners can do some extension work based on the story, producing their own TV weather forecast and re-imagining the story.
To develop and practise:
vocabulary: weather and habitats
structure: What's the weather like?
integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing
Primary (7–11 years)
90 minutes approximately
Ali and the magic carpet
Where do I download the story from please?
Ali and the magic carpet
Hi Estherrona,
The links for the story and the lesson materials are all in the lesson plan PDF, in the "Materials" section: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/teaching-kids-stories-ali-and-the-magic-carpet-v2.pdf
Philippa (TeachingEnglish team)
Ali and the magic carpet
very nice lesson.. simple and informative . it will help the children to comprehend the text and describe the weather in their country .. improving reading skill
An interesting way of introducing the weather.