Space – the sun, moon, stars and planets

This skills-based lesson explores the theme of space.

Space – the sun, moon, stars and planets
Katy Simpson-Davies
5 - 8
9 - 12

In this lesson, children play a game using vocabulary about space, sing a song about travelling to the sun, listen to and read a story about a fictional planet. Then design and draw their own story with support from a structured template.

Learning outcomes

  • Extend vocabulary related to space
  • Develop learners' speaking and listening skills
  • Develop learners' writing skills

Age/ level

Aged 9-12 (CEFR level A2)


60-70 minutes. This could be done over two lessons 


  • Lesson plan
  • Story maker worksheet
  • In addition, you will need paper or card, dice, and access to an online song and story
File attachments


Submitted by Jason Jixun M… on Mon, 07/11/2016 - 15:47

Multi-medias (operational games, videos, texts and songs) for vividly demonstrating the planets' behaviours is a new approach popularised around the worlds. The interactions between children and the computers can increase children's interests in learning in classroom and further self-explorations . Therefore, the two elements contented in this course gave the fashion vitality to this kind of courses supported by information technologies

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