To teach the names of clothes, I have my students cut a page of a newspaper in the shape of a hat, gloves, trousers, etc. Then, using a washing line and clothes pegs, I ask my students to hang their projects on the washing line. My students repeat the names of the clothes after me. After teaching the vocabulary of clothes, I ask them to close their eyes while I hide some of the clothes. A few seconds later I ask them to open their eyes and name the missing clothes and then to find them.
This activity is both very useful and enjoyable for my students.
'The Washing Line' - teaching clothes vocabulary
Thank you so much for this activity . It's amazange . I ask for which level is it more interesting? and
what about the time ?
The washing line
Hi Nageeb
You could use this activity with primary school children with a very low level of English. Timing would be approximately 20 - 30 minutes depending on your learners. Younger students will need more time (and help) to cut out the clothes. You could split this over two classes - cut out the clothes and then play with them next class.
i am so happy to find someone
i am so happy to find someone support me
u r the best
that's soooo intersting
thank u
amazing tip !!! thanks a bunch