The washing line - teaching clothes vocabulary

This is a good vocabulary activity to use with younger learners.

Ece Sevil
5 - 8

To teach the names of clothes, I have my students cut a page of a newspaper in the shape of a hat, gloves, trousers, etc. Then, using a washing line and clothes pegs, I ask my students to hang their projects on the washing line. My students repeat the names of the clothes after me. After teaching the vocabulary of clothes, I ask them to close their eyes while I hide some of the clothes. A few seconds later I ask them to open their eyes and name the missing clothes and then to find them.

This activity is both very useful and enjoyable for my students.


Submitted by SUPERESTRELLA on Thu, 01/24/2013 - 17:58

I´ll try this actitivity with a particular student who is really hard at communicating.. please send me more skills and tasks on speaking with this particular type of too much "quite students".!! I think I´ll obtained my Doctorate with him..ufff

Hi Nageeb
You could use this activity with primary school children with a very low level of English. Timing would be approximately 20 - 30 minutes depending on your learners. Younger students will need more time (and help) to cut out the clothes. You could split this over two classes - cut out the clothes and then play with them next class.


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