Settling down in a new country

This lesson plan for teachers of adults at intermediate level explores the theme of adjusting to a new country. Students will develop their communication skills and vocabulary around the topic of migration and adjustment. 

Tall tower blocks in a city
Nik Peachey
13 - 17


In this lesson, students will explore the topic of settling down in a new country. They will begin by exploring the factors involved when deciding to move to another country. They will listen to the personal experiences of three people who moved to Bulgaria and will read the testimonies of families who moved from other countries to Cardiff in Wales. At the end of the lesson, students will discuss the challenges and opportunities of moving to a new country, and the adjustments people can make to settle. 

A student worksheet accompanies this lesson. However, teachers can use a presentation for a no-printing option. 

Learning outcomes

  • Use words related to migration and adjusting to a new environment
  • Listen to personal stories about migration and understand details
  • Describe some of the challenges and opportunities involved in moving to a new country

Age and level

Adults (B1+)


80-90 minutes (or two shorter lessons)


Materials can be downloaded below. 

  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation
  • Student worksheet
  • Audio 1: Nino's story
  • Audio 2: Dmitry and Magdalena

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