This lesson plan for teachers of teenagers and adults at CEFR Level B1 and above explores the theme of Dorset, a region in the UK. Students will develop their knowledge of a part of the UK, as well as practising their vocabulary and listening skills.

13 - 17


In this lesson, learners hear a man being interviewed about his life in Dorset, a county in England. First, learners are introduced to Dorset, and react to images. Activities support them in listening to an interview that may be challenging for some. They review vocabulary before they listen, practise taking notes while listening, then have the option to develop intensive listening skills. Finally, they work in groups to plan a one-day trip to the area where they live.

A student worksheet accompanies this lesson. However, teachers can use a presentation for a no-printing option. 

Learning outcomes

  • Give some facts about Dorset
  • Take notes and make inferences while listening to an interview
  • May develop intensive listening skills (identifying individual words in sentences)
  • Plan and present a local day trip

Age and level 

13-17, Adults (B1 / B2)


Approximately 50-65 minutes


The materials can be downloaded below. 

  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation 
  • Student worksheet
  • Audio: Full interview
  • (Optional) Audio: Clips 1-4

In addition, maps / images of Dorset would be useful. 
Note: They are not essential to the lesson. 

File attachments

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