- Name five things that move
- Name five drinks
- Name five things you would be doing if you weren't here
- Name five ways to get rich
- Name five animals
A member of the team reads the category of things they have to name and the whole team shouts the words.
While team A is doing this, team B have to remain in silence. Then it's team B's turn.
Time each team. The faster team is the winner.
Category game
This activity can be used as a review. Students usually get very excited.
The teacher chooses a category (animals, colors, school objects, kitchen gadgets...) and each student has to say a word that belongs to that category.
If a student doesn't know, he / she stands up. Then, the teacher chooses another category the following student starts again. In the following round, the student who's standing will have another chance. If he / she can say a word that belongs to the new category, he / she can sit down.
It's a great game for revision and to get students tuned into the lesson topic. It may also be used to elicit from the student what they already know about a certain topic.