Using inclusive practices self-study booklet

This self-study guide for teachers and teacher educators looks at using inclusive practices.

It forms part of a series of self-study booklets, in which teachers will find useful theory and practice for teaching English effectively, including short case studies and professional development activities to do individually and with colleagues.

Featuring a range of engaging and accessible activities, the booklets help teachers to:

  • identify areas for development
  • find a variety of ways to improve their teaching knowledge 
  • develop the skills they need in and out of the classroom.

Teacher educators can make use of these materials to work with developing teachers to help assess and address their learning needs.

Each booklet covers one of the professional practices in the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework for teachers and is based on research into what effective professional development involves. 

In this booklet, you will look at:

  • Recognising and valuing diversity
  • Developing positive attitudes towards diversity in your learners
  • Using pedagogical strategies that encourage inclusive education within a supportive learning environment
  • Involving parents, learners and other relevant individuals in creating an inclusive learning environment
  • Assessing individual learners in a variety of ways that allow them to demonstrate the progress they are making
  • Supporting your learners in identifying, addressing and assessing learning goals based on reasonable adjustment

The publications are free to download in pdf format



Submitted by Kate Moran Richards on Sat, 01/27/2024 - 13:00

I wondered if the link to the booklet is correct? It should link to a Digital Skills Self Study book but instead the link is to the
inclusive practices guide?

Hi Kate

Thanks for you comment. 

The link here is correct as this is the page for the inclusive practices self- study booklet.

I think you might be looking for this guide: which accompanies our Key Digital Skills training course.

Hope that's helpful!


TeachingEnglish team


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