Research in the Language Classroom

This book, from 1990, looks at the practical benefits for teachers of classroom research.

Edited by: Christopher Brumfit, Rosamond Mitchell

Research in the language classroom consists of a selection of papers from practitioners from countries in Europe, North America and Australasia, but with detailed reference to a wider variety of global teaching contexts. Topics range from ‘Investigating Learners' Language' to ‘Researching Teachers: Behaviour and Belief'.

The research described always relates directly to advice on how to approach practical problems, and the contributors are experienced researchers and teachers from many parts of the world.

The purpose of this book is to survey major issues in classroom research, locating them within general linguistic and educational research traditions. Within the book, a number of contributors address general issues of language classrooms, illustrating them from specific experience of engaging in research.

In the second section, a range of approaches are explored in more detail in papers that examine the relationship between teachers and learners, framing accounts of investigations of teachers and learners separately.

In the final section of the book, issues in programme evaluation and teacher education are addressed specifically from a research perspective.

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