The Master's Dissertation Awards promote achievements of students on UK Master's programmes for work with the best potential for impact on ELT. Find out which dissertations won or received special commendations.

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2017 - 2018 awards

Winning dissertation

Matthew Ellman from University of Birmingham |“You’re more likely to pick up on stuff”: Evaluating the impact of video evidence on English language teachers’ post-observation

Special commendations

Claire Philip from University of StirlingPositive and negative written corrective feedback: A mixed-method investigation of EAP teachers’ word choices.

Laura Su from Bath Spa UniversityIdentifying dyslexia in children learning English as an additional language: primary school teachers’
perceptions of the main challenges.
 A Somerset study.

Yushan Xie from University of CambridgeWho do you hang out with? A mixed-methods study on how Chinese students’ social networks relate to their oral proficiency gains during study abroad


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