Guide for teacher educators: How to support teachers online

Download this guide on how teacher educators can best support teachers online.

Simon Borg

The British Council has produced a series of short evidence-based ‘How to’ guides for individuals and institutions who have a stake in designing and delivering professional development opportunities for English language teachers. These short guides provide a series of practical recommendations and a list of key associated research sources designed to inform the organisation of professional development programmes and interventions for practising English language teachers. They also serve as self-access guides for teachers who are enrolling on formal professional development programmes or pursuing self-directed professional learning.

Drawing on a review of selected recent sources and an online survey of teacher educators, this guide addresses the following two questions:

  1. What insight does recent academic and professional literature provide into the competences that English language teacher educators need to work effectively online?
  2. According to a sample of English language teacher educators, what competences do they utilise and wish to develop further in supporting teachers online?

See a webinar about the guide by Simon Borg

See other guides in the series:

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