Guide for teacher educators: How to encourage teachers to engage with research

Download this guide on how teacher educators can best encourage teachers to engage with published research and their own practitioner enquiry research.

The British Council has produced a series of short evidence-based ‘How to’ guides for individuals and institutions who have a stake in designing and delivering professional development opportunities for English language teachers. These short guides provide a series of practical recommendations and a list of key associated research sources designed to inform the organisation of professional development programmes and interventions for practising English language teachers. They also serve as self-access guides for teachers who are enrolling on formal professional development programmes or pursuing self-directed professional learning.

This guide aims to provide teacher educators with a brief overview of how they can support language teachers to engage with published research and to do research in their own educational contexts. The guide discusses the knowledge and skills that teacher educators can focus on so that teachers are better able to benefit from research.

See a webinar about the guide by Daniel Xerri

See other guides in the series:


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