Children and teachers as co-researchers in Indian primary English classrooms

This project engaged teachers and learners to explore important issues in Indian primary English classrooms.

This research report describes an innovative project in which teachers and learners worked together to explore issues of importance to them in Indian primary English classrooms. The paper describes the overall approach, and the three workshops which were organised to help participating teachers involve children as ‘co-researchers’. Findings show that teachers and children were overwhelmingly positive about the project and that teachers’ beliefs changed in important ways. The report concludes with implications for teachers, teacher educators and policy makers with regard to children having more voice and agency in English language classrooms.

Authors: Annamaria Pinter, Rama Mathew and Richard Smith

This research paper is free to download below as a pdf file.

This handbook offers a set of activities that teachers tried out in the Indian school classrooms with children of 8 to 14 years old.


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