Beyond resilience: Facilitating learning and well-being in the refugee language classroom

This multi-disciplinary study explored language teachers’ contributions to the Psychological Well-Being (PWB) and educational outcomes of refugee-background students (RBSs) in a University of Sanctuary setting.

Aleks Palanac, Sarah Hunt, Pam Rogerson-Revell, Wasyl Cajkler and Gabi Witthaus

The mixed-method project explored the experiences and perceptions of a group of RBSs and their teachers, employing questionnaires, case studies and classroom observations using a lesson study framework. Findings indicated that the RBSs felt positive about learning English and improvements in levels of English and in PWB appear to be linked. Teachers highlighted the benefit of professional training focusing on trauma and PWB and saw lesson study as effective for teacher analysis of students’ classroom responses.

Learn more about trauma-informed teaching and training on the University of Leicester's webpages.

Citation: Palanac, A., Hunt, S., Rogerson-Revell, P., Cajkler, W., & Witthaus, G. (2023). Beyond resilience: Facilitating learning and wellbeing in the refugee language classroom. British Council. Available online:

The report is free to download in pdf format below.

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