Getting teenagers to use English in class can provide a considerable challenge to most teachers. This article examines some of the reasons why it can be so difficult and makes some suggestions for overcoming these problems.

Catherine Sheehy Skeffington
  • Why it's important
    • Long-term and short-term memory
    • Language fitness & agility
    • Authenticity
  • Why they don't use English
    • Peer pressure
    • Lack of motivation
    • Lack of support
  • How we can get students talking
    • Explain why it's important
    • Confidence tricks
    • Attainable goals
  • Conclusion

Why it's important

Long-term and short-term memory

Theoretically, we retain information in two ways: In short-term and long-term storage. We transfer information from one to the other by convincing our brains that facts in the short-term memory are valuable enough to be put in long-term storage - otherwise, the information is discarded.

  • Our native language is stored in the long-term memory. New information about a second language, however, is stored in the short-term until it is transferred.
  • To understand the new information quickly, we often translate into our native language. However, this makes it more difficult for the brain to accept the new information into the long-term memory. The result? We quickly forget the information about the second language.
  • Students need to translate less often. If they get used to speaking English - this helps the new information to be stored more quickly and for longer.

Language fitness & agility

Language learning and maintenance uses a surprising number of muscles - most importantly, the brain, and the more obvious muscles in the mouth and jaw.

  • It follows logically that just as with any other muscle, the more you exercise it, the easier it is to use.
  • So how often do teenagers exercise the muscles required for speaking English? If their only opportunity is English class, they need to maximise on the time to exercise as much as possible.


Speaking is a way of expressing ourselves in whatever language we use. The most motivating language to learn therefore enables us to talk in a way that is true to our personality. Even the best coursebook cannot provide this resource for every individual in every class!

  • Students bring their personalities to every class - if we can keep English as the language medium, their authentic language requirements will become apparent. This means accepting their personalities - in terms of topic (e.g. music, fashion, gossip), and function (e.g. exaggerating, exchanging anecdotes).
  • If they don't have the tools to express themselves in English, they'll use the tools they do have - their native language.

Why they don't use English

Peer pressure

Even native speakers take years to master their language, so it's no surprise a foreign language learner has to make a lot of mistakes before even managing to produce anything approaching good English. The spontaneous nature of speaking means you're likely to make more mistakes than you would otherwise. So generally we're asking our students to stand up and make fools of themselves at a time of their lives when they are at their most self-conscious.

Lack of motivation

If you ask a teenager why they think they should speak English in class, what's the most likely answer? Stunned silence, a disdainful look, or a droned 'because we have to practise'? They're following orders - and for what? So that in two or three years they may be better able to communicate effectively with another English-speaker? Not only is the motive external, but the end goal is too distant for many teenagers. For many students, instant rewards for speaking English are much more motivating.

Lack of support

There are two kinds of support: Classroom atmosphere and linguistic support. It may not be realistic to expect teenagers to provide the generous and patient atmosphere ideal for language practice, but it is possible to encourage them to support each other, for example by working in teams.

It is easier to provide linguistic support, in terms of words and phrases that are required for classroom interaction. Classroom language (e.g. 'Sorry I'm late', 'Can you repeat that, please?' etc.) is the only English they will need to repeat throughout the whole course, and it has an authentic context - it would be a waste not to capitalise on it!

How we can get students talking

Explain why it's important

Only you know how mature your class is and how well they will respond to the rationale behind your methods. However, it's often worth giving even a less mature group a chance to understand what you're trying to achieve. Not all students will react in the same way - the underlying theory may motivate smaller groups within the class, even though it might not appeal to the class as a whole.

Confidence tricks

This involves rewarding them for using 'easy language' - making them believe the goal is easy to achieve.

  • Classroom language is ideal for this, as are pronunciation games.
  • Drilling has a particular appeal, as the student's voice is safe in a crowd of voices, and it is the sound of the English (not their English) that is strange or amusing.
  • Along the same lines, choosing a buzzword for a class can encourage even the weakest student to try to use their English. The word could either be very useful, or sound a bit strange or be a key word in the group of vocabulary just learnt. The use of the word then has to be rewarded - and how you do that is up to you.

Attainable goals

Obviously the lower the level of the group, the less English you can expect them to produce.

  • For very low levels, the aim may be to spend only five or ten minutes speaking English per class. Initially this may be spent presenting and practising classroom language, which then allows them to extend 'English time' for themselves.
  • For higher levels, it is still worth identifying when it is more important to be using only English and when it is good to use their native language. This should be indicated by some kind of visual to remind them when to do what.


As with most techniques concerning teenagers, it's important not to give up! For all concerned, the task is not easy but it isn't impossible either. The aim is simply to try and increase the amount they speak English - this could be from 20% of the class to 40%, but it could also be from 0% of the class to 0.5%. Either way, you have had a positive effect on their oral English - so recognise it!

This article was first published in 2004


Submitted by Sobirova Sogdiana on Mon, 04/02/2018 - 06:47

I agree with the main topic of an article, cause the main problem that is discussed in this article is the teenagers. About their behavior, about that teenagers need motivation, support. And the main part I like is that the the teenagers. The main point I like is that classroom language is ideal for this, as are pronunciation games. Only you know how mature your class is and how well they will respond to the national methods.However it is even a less mature group a chance to understand what you are trying to achieve. I don't have any disagreements to this article. In my opinion there are a lot of life examples in this article what I like and the importance of teenagers opinions. Also it is useful for future teachers I think. I think you should notice that teenagers they aren't only students and at the end I like that you understand almost all their problems.

Submitted by Amangeldieva on Sun, 04/01/2018 - 11:40

To:Clare Lavery From:Amangeldieva Aynura The date of publishing: 2 December, 2009 Hello dear Clare L.! Thank you for your great and useful articles. I have read your some articles but the most I liked article hight as: "Ways to encourage more use of English in class". I absolutely agree with all points which you had mentioned in this article. Particularly I likes this one: "....Always present yourself as an English speaker, right from the start.", and "You may feel put off when they call to each other in their mother tongue What’s she saying?” Use pictures, gesture, facial expression and rephrasing to get your message across." I agree with you about that teachers have to present themselves as an English speaker right from the start because firstly students have taped new teachers from the first meeting. I also hold with the point that teachers shouldn't give up to speak in English anyway, even if students didn't understand the teacher, teachers have to use pictures, gestures, facial expressions and etc. to get their message across, to wit to make incomprehensible things clear to students, but in English. There is a lot of information that I haven't seen before and they all surely worth to read. Honestly, I a little bit confused about this point: "... Practice and encourage all common classroom requests:" Can I have another piece of paper?"...."because I think that it will be hard to teach students to ask questions as: "May I go to toilet?" not on their mother tongue but on the teaching and learning language. But nevertheless, if teachers will try they will achieve end. Additionally, I want you to pay attention to the last point. In my opinion, it would be better if you will make some notes about how to avoid questions from students as: "Can I have another piece of paper?" or other questions on their mother tongue. It will be beneficial to many teachers. All-in-all I liked your article very much and of course I will keep your points in my mind and use it gladly in the future. Thank you again. Respectfully Aynura.

Submitted by Amangeldieva on Sun, 04/01/2018 - 08:15

To:Clare Lavery From:Amangeldieva Aynura The date of publishing: 2 December, 2009 Hello dear Clare L.! Thank you for your great and useful articles. I have read your some articles but the most I liked article hight as: "Ways to encourage more use of English in class". I absolutely agree with all points which you had mentioned in this article. Particularly I likes this one: "....Always present yourself as an English speaker, right from the start.", and "You may feel put off when they call to each other in their mother tongue What’s she saying?” Use pictures, gesture, facial expression and rephrasing to get your message across." I agree with you about that teachers have to present themselves as an English speaker right from the start because firstly students have taped new teachers from the first meeting. I also hold with the point that teachers shouldn't give up to speak in English anyway, even if students didn't understand the teacher, teachers have to use pictures, gestures, facial expressions and etc. to get their message across, to wit to make incomprehensible things clear to students, but in English. There is a lot of information that I haven't seen before and they all surely worth to read. Honestly, I a little bit confused about this point: "... Practice and encourage all common classroom requests:" Can I have another piece of paper?"...."because I think that it will be hard to teach students to ask questions as: "May I go to toilet?" not on their mother tongue but on the teaching and learning language. But nevertheless, if teachers will try they will achieve end. Additionally, I want you to pay attention to the last point. In my opinion, it would be better if you will make some notes about how to avoid questions from students as: "Can I have another piece of paper?" or other questions on their mother tongue. It will be beneficial to many teachers. All-in-all I liked your article very much and of course I will keep your points in my mind and use it gladly in the future. Thank you again. Respectfully Aynura.

Submitted by Amangeldieva on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 19:25

To:Clare Lavery From:Amangeldieva Aynura The date of publishing: 2 December, 2009 Hello dear Clare L.! Thank you for your great and useful articles. I have read your some articles but ths most I liked article hight as: "Ways to encourage more use of English in class". I absolutely agree with all points which you had mentioned in this article. Particularly I likes this one: "....Always present yourself as an English speaker, right from the start.", and "You may feel put off when they call to each other in their mother tongue What’s she saying?” Use pictures, gesture, facial expression and rephrasing to get your message across." I agree with you about that teachers have to present themselves as an English speaker right from the start because firstly students have taped new teachers from the first meeting. I also hold with the point that teachers shouldn't give up to speak in English anyway, even if students didn't understand the teacher, teachers have to use pictures, gestures, facial expressions and etc. to get their message across, to wit to make incomprehensible things clear to students, but in English. There is a lot of information that I haven't seen before and they all surely worth to read. Honestly, I a little bit to confused about this point: "... Practice and encourage all common classroom requests:" Can I have another piece of paper?"...."because I think that it will be hard to teach students to ask questions as: "May I go to toilet?" not on their mother tongue but on the teaching and learning language. But nevertheless, if teachers will try they will achieve end. Additionally, I want you to pay attention to the last point. In my opinion, it would be better if you will make some notes about how to avoid questions from students as: "Can I have another piece of paper?" or other questions on their mother tongue. It will be beneficial to many teachers. All-in-all I liked your article very much and I think I will keep your points in my mind and use it gladly in the future. Thank you again. With respectfully Aynura.

Submitted by muhtadi on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 07:46

I work as a teacher for Spoken English and also am a trainer for IELTS and Other ESOL Examinations which are being provided by City and Guilds as well as British Council. I have students from various levels and ages, ranging from new to moderate user and speakers and from teenagers to adults.

Students at my part of the world are really shy of making mistakes and thus dont talk in the classes even after tonnes of motivation, and I have been looking for a solution for this type of problem which is indeed A VERY COMMON PROBLEM. 

Though the topic is aimed at making the teenagers to speak, but I think if the technique and the tips given is used for the adults as well as the teenagers, likewise, will be helpful for the students to start speaking.

Thank you very much Ms Catherine Sheehy Skeffington, for the advice and i am using it for my classes from today only. 


Thank you again.....

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