Unit 6 looks at a number of different activities we can use to help our students with their speaking skills. 

This unit looks specifically at the use of debates, stories and information gaps. In the video you will see teachers in Thailand carrying out speaking activities with their classes while John Kay gives advice to focus teachers on these classroom techniques. This unit contains the following elements:

  • A short video providing input.  
  • A downloadable series of reflection tasks and activities.
  • If you are a teacher trainer and are planning to use the material in a face-to-face context, there is a set of trainer notes for each topic.

The downloadable material asks you or your trainees to look at some different speaking activities and ways of setting them up. You will need to look at different types of information gap activities and think about how teachers can exploit these gaps to make successful speaking activities.

The videos in this series express the view that “English language teaching has the same challenges the world over”, but that the solutions to these problems depend very much on the local context, and for this reason the approach taken focuses on tasks that enable the participants to relate the video to their own specific practice and experience.

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Submitted by TatianaNC on Sun, 09/17/2023 - 16:11

Thanks for the notes for trainers. They are extremely up-to-date and useful.

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