Our latest tip looks at several of the important issues surrounding testing and assessment. Listen to Clare and Alister discuss their ideas and opinions about how best to assess learners of English. After watching the video, why not give your opinion in the comments box below, or write a blogpost on the site?

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Submitted by mim02 on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 10:26

This was a very interesting perspective on testing. I firmly believe that testing has its perks and negative outcomes for students. Alister's point of making it the real thing lessens stress on the students but this may cause students to not put the same effort in if they knew it was the real thing. However, motivation is a very important aspect and as someone who didn't do well in school, the importance of motivating students will make a big difference on the student's point of view of 'testing,' or 'assessment.'

Submitted by LowriBG on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 10:22

I found this video informative for testing students. It shows the positive side of testing and how they support their students feel more comfortable in stressful times. The way you develop ways in which students can compare answers and make it in some sense a competition can make many students try harder.
I agree with another comment that has been made that it is good to give them a practice go at the test but are still being assessed but not officially - so that they feel more at ease in completing the testing.
However, I do believe testing does not always define students abilities!

Submitted by Jozie on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 10:16

Lovely tips for making assessments less daunting for learners. I'm interested in Alister's practice of letting learners perform their "practice" speaking assessment, when in fact this is the real thing! I wanted to know if Alister would change a learner's marks if they perform better on the day of the "official" test. Do they in effect have two chances at the assessment? I think two chances at the test would be a good thing - fairer, more authentic and more ethical.

Submitted by Frank Weaver on Fri, 03/22/2024 - 10:10

This was a really interesting and balanced conversation that touched on some important points. Good or bad, testing is part of the society we live in and students will be placed in situations where they need to do things they don't necessarily want to to do or that they feel uncomfortable or nervous about. In some ways this is something they need to be prepared for but I totally agree that we need to be careful as teachers not to take the joy out of learning or generally put students off certain subjects by making things too pressured or boring.

Submitted by Trinh Thi Xuan Mai on Wed, 10/06/2021 - 07:43

Thank you Clare and Alister very much for this informative video. I have learnt a lot from it. I am now able to reduce my students' stress during tests as well as exams. Some effective ways will be applied are revision before tests and exams, telling sts that they will not pass or fail, testing is a way to find out their strengths and weaknesses and what they have to focus on more,...

Submitted by Alicia Gervaci… on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 16:58

In my opinion, the evaluation is very important to be able to see the level of knowledge that the students are obtaining, but for this we must not always tell them so directly, but let them know that it is a practice so that they feel more comfortable doing it. Something that is important to ensure that all students have a good learning is to adapt a dynamic class session where they can understand it more clearly.

Submitted by Wilson Cardena… on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 16:13

ASSESSMENT? oohhh no!....
Just hearing this word makes my hair stand on end.
I think that happens with most students when they come to the classroom and that word is mentioned to them, although it is true that an evaluation does not define the learning achievement of each student, but it is in all educational fields.

New ways of evaluating occur throughout the learning process, but they continue to be emphasized at the end of the course, so it is necessary to find new ways of evaluating where the student feels comfortable and free to take an evaluation.

Submitted by Leyla Rondo on Fri, 06/18/2021 - 01:52

Classroom assessment has certainly changed over time, but not enough for education to improve. Many times the student when he hears the word "evaluation" becomes tense and feels great pressure, a qualifier does not reflect what the student is capable of achieving. We must focus on getting the best out of them.

Submitted by Marianne on Wed, 06/16/2021 - 16:14

  • It is necessary that students are provided with a lot of motivation in their classes, in addition to the fact that evaluating them does nothing but stress them and be under pressure and do not get good grades. On the other hand, if they are evaluated on the contents or activities without saying that it is one, it would be different.

Submitted by Elvia Bustos Torres on Fri, 06/11/2021 - 18:12

Personally, I believe that evaluations do not define the ability of a student, however it is an aspect that is carried out at all levels.
It is necessary to know about neuroeducation to know how the brain of each student learns and achieve meaningful learning,thanks.

Submitted by Hilbert on Fri, 06/11/2021 - 15:04

This video is really interesting, in my opinion the assesment is not good idea, becouse  we can find good students during the class, but when we are going to asses them someone disapproves, and also acrording to the video, motivation comes first, as some students think assesment is boring.

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