Once we accept that a big class is a reality we can start looking at how that challenge can be turned into an opportunity.

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Teachers say ‘classroom management’ is the first big challenge of large classes, as we need to keep all the students engaged during the English period.

In this programme, we hear suggestions and tips from a number of different teachers who work with large classes. 

  • Dini talks about using ‘magic words’, while Li describes a reward system for good behaviour.
  • We hear one teacher start her class with personalised practice to motivate her students and create an atmosphere in which they can try out their English.
  • Shoba demonstrates how we should plan our lessons to include different kinds of practice, keeping students working actively, and have a clear aim for every class.

Download the teacher support worksheet below to help you use ideas in your large classes.

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Submitted by Irinaglez on Mon, 08/14/2023 - 23:11

Hello everyone!
This is quite an interesting program to reflect on our teaching and get tips when working with large classes.

Submitted by NDIKURYAYO JEAN on Sat, 04/04/2020 - 06:05

This is very usefull program since it helps me to practice listening skill but consider the ways big class are being hundled.

Submitted by chapmancarlos on Sat, 02/29/2020 - 12:22

Apparently, there's a problem with the file on the server since I can't play the audio by any means. Would you check that for us?

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 10:43

In reply to by chapmancarlos

Hi chapmancarlos,

I've checked the audio and it is working fine for me here. What browser are you using? You could try using a different one as this might be the issue. Let us know if the problem persists.


TE Team

Submitted by jkni426 on Tue, 02/21/2017 - 07:45

This program is very interesting and practical for most English teachers in China, who have to deal with a big class of junior middle school and senior middle school students in rural areas, even in some counties and less developed cities.

Thanks for your comment - unfortunately, it's not possible to download the audio- you have to click on the audio on the site to listen. You can download the accompanying materials though. I hope you still enjoy the programme, Cath

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