This free training module provides an overview of language teacher cognition and its relationship to assessment. We discuss how assessment can be used to support the learning process.

The materials in this toolkit were developed as part of a British Council funded research project which explored teacher cognition and assessment. In this module we will explore what is meant by language teacher cognition and how knowledge of language teacher cognition can help you to reflect on your experiences of assessment. It assumes little or no knowledge of language teacher cognition or assessment.

Download the ‘Teacher cognition and assessment’ toolkit below to find out more.

The emphasis in the materials is on practical approaches, but in line with our participants’ stated needs, theoretical perspectives are also included. Each of the six topics can be read as a stand-alone unit. We would, however, encourage readers to look at all six units. The training materials cover:

To find out more about the research by Huddersfield University, read the following research reports:




Submitted by pinki.busika@g… on Wed, 08/28/2024 - 16:44

This article promotes reflective teaching, which helps (not only the Teacher, but the Learners as well) in ensuring that what is taught is learned.

Submitted by Tamta Gabekhadze on Wed, 11/01/2023 - 09:19

It is always essential to evaluate students properly, but frankly speaking it's not always so easy, it's a kind of challenge for me. Consequently, I am eager to improve my assessment skills so as to help my students motivation.

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Thu, 11/02/2023 - 08:43

In reply to by Tamta Gabekhadze

Hope you find the module useful Tamta!

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