In this section you can find useful professional development resources – including articles, webinars, podcast episodes, research and teaching tips and tools – all to help you develop your skills and knowledge of Assessing learning

What does 'Assessing learning' involve?

This professional practice is about mine and my learners’ assessment literacy. It includes applying the principles and practice of assessment to design tasks to assess my learners’ level and measure their progress, taking into account the assessment systems used in my context and local education policies and practice. It is about using types of assessment (e.g. formative and summative) appropriately, and providing feedback for learning purposes. It involves:

  • applying the principles and practice of assessment to design appropriate assessment tasks.

  • using formative and summative assessment appropriately at different points in the learning process to monitor and evaluate my learners’ understanding, improve their learning outcomes, identify their potential for progression and inform subsequent teaching.

  • defining appropriate assessment criteria and applying assessment criteria consistently.

  • planning for differentiated and inclusive assessment.

  • analysing my learners’ errors and helping them to understand their errors through constructive feedback.

  • engaging my learners in self- and peer assessment and developing their self- and peer assessment skills.

  • preparing my learners for formal assessment, including enabling them to manage stress.

  • administering, grading and keeping records of assessment.

  • sharing and explaining assessment results appropriately.

  • analysing and using data about learning, where available, to support the management of learners, improve their learning outcomes, and make curriculum choices.

  • reflecting on the relevance and effectiveness of my assessment of my learners’ progress (my assessment literacy).


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