E-safety training for teachers of young learners

This training session is designed to be used with teachers working with young learners and looks at the topic of e-safety.

This training session is aimed at teachers working with young learners and looks at the topic of e-safety. Nowadays more and more tech tools are emerging which can be used to help young learners practise their English. If we choose to integrate these into our classroom contexts, how can we guarantee maximum safety for the students and for ourselves? In a world where data is shared often with little consideration for privacy and the serious consequences which can occur, we might prefer to avoid tech altogether. However, by raising awareness and promoting good practice, we can help YLs become more aware of the dangers and encourage positive online behaviour.


  • To raise teachers’ awareness of the risks involved with the integration of digital tools in young learner (YL) classrooms.
  • To offer practical ideas to teachers who want to integrate digital tools with YL classes.


Approximately 1 hour 10 minutes (includes optional section of 10-15 minutes)


This input session was contributed by Helen Legge. The session plan and presentation are available to download below.

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