In this section, you will find a number of articles, which have been written to help you develop your skills and knowledge as a teacher educator in the professional practice 'Supporting remote learning'. All of the content you will find here is insightful and full of ideas to support your work in a variety of aspects related to teacher education. Further publications, webinar recordings and conference presentations for this practice can be found in our 'Find other content' section.

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Covid-19 case studies: Lazarus Sinkala

Read this case study and watch the video from Lazarus Sinkala in Zambia, talking about how his school has adapted their teaching during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Children looking at handheld devices

Covid-19 case studies: Wanda Mpisi

Read this case study and watch the video from Wanda Mpisi in South Africa, talking about how his school has adapted their teaching during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Covid-19 case studies: Cigdem Tuncel

Read this case study and watch the video from Cigdem Tuncel in Turkey, talking about how her school has adapted their teaching during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Managing education in a digital world

Andy Hockley looks at how the digital world is affecting learning and the way we manage education. He provides some useful advice on what to consider and how to plan for online education management.

Research and insight

Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

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