About this session
Understanding the nature and role of media and technologies in education, and being able to use media and technologies appropriately, are critical to teaching well in a digital age. The purpose of this presentation is to help teachers meet this goal by addressing what they should know and be able to do with technology. Unlike most technology education texts, the focus of this presentation is on learners and learning rather than only on the technology itself. This focus will help to address problems with learning as they arise, integrate new technologies with ease in pedagogically sound ways, and share knowledge and understandings with teachers and educators.
Watch the recording below.
About the speaker
Dilnoza Khadjimetova has been working at secondary school since 2009. She is on mission to help secondary and public school ELTs teach the English language. Dilnoza has a unique 13-year background in teaching, leadership, teacher training, facilitating and curriculum design.