Building rapport and social emotional competence

Watch a recording of this talk by Jose Luis De Paz about rapport and social emotional intelligence.

A group of learners from different ethnicities laughing around a classroom table as they learn

About the session

As teachers and learners adapt to different ways interaction, whether hybrid or face-to-face environments, the importance of social-emotional competence has received a greater emphasis. 

However, when it comes to social emotional development, some educators have expressed their concern about being accountable for this or not. However, it is undeniable the fact that teachers have always provided that ‘emotional’ coaching and orientation. 

In my practice as an English teacher during these pandemic days, these were some of the main concerns when I had to deliver lessons to students that were literally kilometres away from the place I was living. On the other hand, I was also delivering sessions to teachers in other regions who had to prepare and deliver their own lessons and they reported similar challenges in their teaching contexts. 

During this talk we will review 5 core social-emotional competencies (SEL) and  research based recommendations to build positive classroom management. Then, I will briefly share some views from teachers and their ways of helping their learners in different educational contexts. (Taylor, R et al, 2017) 

Finally, I will share SEL strategies and activities  I have used to promote social-emotional development among learners and colleagues at the school where I work. 

Watch the recording below.

About the speaker

Jose Luis De Paz is an English teacher and teacher trainer who has participated in different events in collaboration with publishers and universities in Mexico.  He holds a Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults awarded by UCLES and is very active in different teacher development programmes for schools in the Mexican territory.

He currently lives in Merida, Yucatan and is an instructional designer for Innova Schools. His main areas of interests are: curriculum design, professional development and storytelling for non-profit purposes.



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