About the webinar
In this webinar the presenters introduce and discuss an 'enhancement approach' to teaching in low-resource classrooms with reference to a Hornby Regional School in Kathmandu and resulting publication Teaching in low-resource classrooms: Voices of experience with TeachingEnglish online video materials. Providing concrete examples, they demonstrate how teachers from a range of contexts have successfully collaborated to come up with appropriate strategies to deal with local difficulties through the sharing of success stories and exploratory action research.
About the speakers
Dr. Richard Smith is a Reader in ELT and Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick, UK. Since 2001 he has also been a Trustee of the A.S. Hornby Educational Trust and is ‘Key Concepts’ editor of the ELT Journal and former coordinator of the IATEFL Research SIG. In 2008, he co-founded TELCnet (the Teaching English in Large Classes research and development network – http://bit.ly/telcnet-home). In recent years, he has been involved in projects with teachers from Chile, India, Peru and Nepal and has produced Open Access books for teachers in difficult circumstances including A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research (with Paula Rebolledo) and Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience (with Amol Padwad and Deborah Bullock).
Amol Padwad is Professor & Director, Centre for English Language Education, Ambedkar University Delhi. He is also the Secretary of Ainet Association of English Teachers (AINET-India). He has been actively engaged in promoting teacher development, teacher networking and associations and teacher research, and has carried out studies in these areas. He pioneered English Teachers’ Clubs, self-help teacher development groups, in some rural towns of central India, some of which have been running for over fifteen years. His recent publications include Continuing Professional Development (CUP) (with Rod Bolitho) and Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience (with Richard Smith and Deborah Bullock).
Deborah Bullock is a freelance educational consultant and materials writer, specialising in primary and secondary English language teaching. She is especially interested in learner-centred approaches to assessment, and practitioner research and development. She is former publications manager of the IATEFL Research SIG, and has co-edited several teacher-research publications including: Teachers Research! (with Richard Smith) Champion Teachers: Stories of Exploratory Action Research (with Paula Rebolledo and Richard Smith) Teachers Engaging in Research (with Kenan Dikilitaş, Mark Wyatt and Judith Hanks) and Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience (with Richard Smith and Amol Padwad).