What do ESP teachers need to know about word lists for language learning and teaching?

Watch a recording of this webinar with Averil Coxhead, focusing on the key points English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teachers need to know about using and evaluating word lists for language learning and teaching.

About the webinar 

Averil Coxhead uses the Academic Word List (AWL) (Coxhead, 2000) as a springboard for discussion and activities. In the webinar, she considers the purpose and methodology of word lists such as the AWL and some of the challenges ESP teachers and learners might face when using such word lists for language learning. She also considers ways to evaluate word lists, including some of the more recent lists and discuss some on-line tools and other resources that are available for working with word lists. Finally, she discusses principles, such as Nation’s (2007) Four Strands, to think about when using word lists for ESP curriculum and materials design, testing, and vocabulary exercises for the classroom.

About the speaker

Averil Coxhead is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She is interested in many aspects of pedagogy and vocabulary studies, including word lists, phraseology, vocabulary size testing, and the vocabulary load of texts.


IATEFL: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language

ESP: English for Specific Purposes

SIG: Special Interest Group

Watch a recording of the webinar below

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