Pronunciation in our classrooms - mini-event

Watch the recordings and download the handouts of three practical webinars with expert teachers about teaching pronunciation in the language classroom. This event took place on March 22, 2024.

British Council teacher in Mozambique throwing a ball to a student


About the event

This event took place on Friday March 22, 2024 and featured three webinars with expert ELT teachers from around the world. All webinars help English teachers think about how they teach pronunciation in the classroom. The webinars are for teachers of primary, secondary and adult English language learners. 

About the webinars

Session 1: Variation not deviation: Encouraging tolerance of English diversity in ELT 


Gemma Archer (UK)

Time and date:

11:00 - 12:00 (UK time) March 22, 2024

Click or tap here to find out the time in your location

Session information:

The prestige native speaker model is at odds with modern English which is a global, diverse, and dynamic language, used more by L2 speakers than L1. So how can we teachers make room for our students, and indeed, our own Englishes in the ELT classroom, move away from near-impossible goals of native speaker model replication, and instead, towards embracing and accepting clear intelligible international speech, regardless of the variety? I’ll suggest practical ways in which we can achieve this, encouraging students to embrace their L2 identity, accept rather than fear unfamiliar Englishes, and feel confident about their own English voice. 


Session 2: It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it


Kris Kirby (Hong Kong)

Time and date:

12:15 - 13:15 (UK time) March 22, 2024

Click or tap here to find out the time in your location

Session information:

This webinar will give you some practical ideas to help you work with pronunciation in your classes. Pronunciation is probably the most neglected aspect of language taught in our classrooms. We often feel that grammar and vocabulary must take precedence and as such, pronunciation activities are either skipped entirely or rushed through quickly. Nonetheless, this aspect of language is essential for clear communication. In this webinar, we’ll discuss why pronunciation is so crucial to our students and we’ll look at some practical methods to raise their awareness of the way sounds in English are produced. Finally, we’ll tackle the tricky question – ‘Which type of English pronunciation are we aiming for anyway..?’ 

Session 3: Honing your pronunciation teaching skills


Ana Paula Biazon Rocha (UK)

Time and date:

13:30 - 14:30 (UK time) March 22, 2024

Click or tap here to find out the time in your location

Session information:

This workshop will start by reflecting on some of the reasons why many English teachers struggle to teach pronunciation, namely lack of training in pronunciation teaching, lack of confidence in their own pronunciation, uncertainty about how to incorporate pronunciation into everyday lessons, inflexible curriculum, reduced access to pronunciation teaching resources, believing that pronunciation is learned incidentally, etc. Then, we will look at practical tips such as teaching word stress with your hands, articulating difficult sounds, using follow-up tasks to complement a pronunciation point presented in the course book, exploring online pronunciation resources, among others. 

About the speakers

Gemma Archer is an EAP teacher and coordinator at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. She is also the joint-coordinator of IATEFL Pronunciation Special Interest Group (PronSIG) and co-author of the book Teaching English Pronunciation for a Global World (OUP, 2024). Her research interests lie in the field of pronunciation pedagogy and accent, and the issues which can arise when students and teachers of English are confronted with diverse regional and global varieties of English. 

Kris Kirby started teaching English in Thailand in 2007 and has since taught in Spain, Vietnam, England, China and Ukraine, and has a passion for helping learners with their pronunciation and speaking skills. He has taught a variety of levels and ages from primary to adults, and beginners to advanced levels. He has also been teacher training since 2016, and spoke at TeachingEnglish's World Teacher's Day 2023. He currently works at the British Council in Hong Kong. 

Ana Paula Biazon Rocha is from São Paulo, Brazil, and currently lives in Sheffield, UK. She has been teaching English for almost 19 years. She is a Teacher Development (TD) Coordinator and the Assistant Director of Studies  at the English Language Teaching Centre, University of Sheffield. She has specialised in English pronunciation and pronunciation pedagogy. She is a committee member and blogger for IATEFL PronSIG. 

Important information about our events - please read

How to watch the webinar

Our webinars are free. They take place in Zoom Events. You do not need any special equipment to watch the webinars apart from a computer with the audio on. Registration is for the full event - you do not need to attend every session. 


You should register for the event at the link provided above. In order to receive updates and a link to join the webinar, you will need to provide a valid email address. Your information will not be used for marketing purposes unless you explicitly give us permission to do so during the registration process. For more information about the British Council's privacy policy, please follow this link: Once you have registered for the event, you will receive an email with a link to join the webinar.Please do not delete this email.

If you have any specific accessibility requests, please contact us by email at You should say which webinar you are attending and ask us to contact you regarding your needs. 

Instructions for joining a session in the event

1. Click on the link that was emailed to you when you registered for the event.
2. Enter the email address that you used to register for the event.
3. You will join the 'lobby'. From the lobby you can chat to other participants and ask for help if needed. 
4. From the lobby you will see the session that is either currently live or soon to be live. When a session is live, you can click 'join' to go inside the live zoom session.

Webinar recordings

All TeachingEnglish webinars are recorded and you will find links to the recordings under the session information on this page between 24 and 48 hours after the live webinar has ended. You can also find the videos on the TeachingEnglish YouTube channel. Recordings will be available to watch for a minimum of six months and up to one year after the live event has ended.

Webinar handouts

PDF handouts from each presenter will be available after the webinars


Certificates of attendance are available for all attendees. The link to obtain your certificate is provided in the following places:

- At the end of the webinar in the chat box
- In the 'Thank you for attending email' that you will receive after the webinar.
- You should download the certificate to your computer. Once the certificate is saved to your computer, open it and type your name on the certificate. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer to do this. You cannot do this from a mobile device.

Code of conduct - participants

Please be respectful at all times to other participants and the presenter. Our webinars are freely available to attend by participants in all countries. Please be aware that comments you make in the general chat may have a negative impact on other participants and their enjoyment of the webinar.

Do not use insulting or offensive language or comments towards other participants or the presenter.

Do not make comments that include cultural references or political references that may be offensive or upsetting to other participants or the presenter.

Any offensive or insulting comments will be deleted and the participant making the comment will be removed from the webinar.

Do not share any personal information in the general chat that may result in other participants contacting you. This includes addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.

Do not share links to your website or any websites that you are promoting for the purposes of making money.

Comments that include links to paid-for websites for the sole purpose of promotion will be deleted and you may be removed from the webinar.

Please use the Q&A to ask the presenter questions that are related to the theme or topic of the webinar only. If participant responses to questions are permitted, you should only make comments that are relevant to the question being asked. 



Submitted by Monica Suarez on Thu, 06/13/2024 - 17:08

Hi, I wish you could help me find Gemma Archer's webinar recording.
Thanks in advance

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