About the webinar
The British Council is committed to supporting the use of technology for the continuation of education in a crisis. As many teachers find themselves in an unfamiliar situation of having to teach their classes online, with little or no experience, the British Council TeachingEnglish website is committed to providing as much support as possible to help you navigate your way through the world of online teaching.
This is the fifth in a series of webinars, which offers guidance in key areas. This webinar is for teachers working to deliver classes and maintain an online offer of education with young learners.
The world has been put on hold but education continues. As teachers we have been faced with this immense hurdle to adapt our teaching for the online world. We are succeeding but is there anything else we can do? How can we adapt our teaching for young learners? Join me in this session where we will be looking at different activities and strategies to keep young learners engaged.
Watch a recording of the webinar below
About the speaker
María José has been teaching English since 2003 and she is a British Council online moderator. Previously, she worked as a remote teacher in Plan CEIBAL providing English lessons through video conferencing to public schools in Uruguay. She is also the Learning Technologist at St Brendan's School where she works with primary and secondary school teachers in the use of technology in the classroom. She holds an MA in Digital Technology and Communication and Education from the University of Manchester and another MA in TESOL Teacher Education from the same university. She is a Cambridge ESOL oral examiner for YLE, KET and PET.
See information about our other webinars in this series
Teaching online - using your coursebook and ideas for breakout rooms (webinar recording)
Teaching online - What to do if the technology fails and structuring lessons (webinar recording)
Teaching online - Tech tools and the tutor's role (webinar recording)
Teaching online - Supporting and mentoring teachers remotely (webinar recording)
Simple teaching ideas for online classes with primary children (20 April)
So many useful materials and webnars for technology
So many useful materials and webnars for technology
Thank God!
I have missed the live event but I can still access the recording ones.
Afternoon! Where and when can
Afternoon! Where and when can I watch recorded webinar 'online teaching and young learners...'?
Thank you!
I really thank you for your support in making us international technology teaching based!
Maria Jose is a senior academic having experience of teaching English as a Local as well as an International Language. Her method of clearing complex concepts in simple English is quite amazing. She has a command over Modern Pedagogy with special reference to young children studying in schools where nowadays the Online Teaching has become a necessity. This Professional Development Webinar stresses for the proper utilization of various online tools in order to illustrate the teaching learning process. The Teaching Community all over the world is benefitted free of cost due to the ceaseless efforts of the British Council who not only conducts such excellent webinars but also preserves them in archives for future viewing. The Council is requested to please show us the Chat Box recordings [when the programme was live] in order to clear our doubts, only if possible.