AI for learning
Here you can watch the videos of practical webinars showing you how you can use AI to personalise your students' learning and get them involved in designing their own learning experiences. You will also learn practical ways to use AI tools to enhance your learners' language skills and boost their creativity. The live event took place on 11 September 2024.
About the sessions
Session 1: How can AI enhance learning experiences?
Joe Dale (UK)
Session information:
This webinar demonstrates the role of generative AI in lesson planning, assessment and inclusive practices. You will see how AI can create written records of spoken lectures and discussions, which can then be made into personalised assessments. Additionally, Joe explores how AI can support pronunciation and conversation practice and looks at generating differentiated reading materials. Finally, the session covers how AI can create bespoke images and enhance image accessibility for all learners.
You can find a summary of the key points and references in the handout for Joe's webinar.
Session 2: How can we co-design learning experiences with our students?
Josh Underwood (Spain)
Session information:
How can we help our students take control of their own learning and make mindful use of the resources available in an AI age? Josh Underwood helps you design language-learning experiences using AI for and with your students. He looks at examples of design strategies, shows you example tasks and invites us to be 'mindful' (critical) in our engagement with AI for learning.
You can find a summary of the key points and references in the handout for Josh's webinar.
Session 3: How are teachers using AI tools? (panel discussion)
Pilar Capaul (Argentina), Iman Hassan Zain (Egypt), Nurohman (Indonesia)
Session information:
Three expert teachers from around the world discuss how they use AI in their classrooms.
You can find a summary of the key points and reference in the handout for the panel discussion.
About the speakers
Joe Dale is an independent language consultant working with a range of organisations such as the Association for Language Learning and the British Council. He speaks regularly at conferences about AI in education and has trained teachers all over the world in technology and language teaching. See more from him in his Facebook group 'Language teaching with AI'.
Joshua Underwood works with young learners and teachers in Spain and online. He co-edited a Handbook of Design in Educational Technology and has co-authored for several research publications on learning technology. He is passionate about learning and what it is to be human. For him, being a teacher and teacher trainer is part of this lifelong journey, which has so far included studying biochemistry, cognitive science and AI and UX design.
Pilar Capaul is an early career teacher from Argentina. She teaches in the private and public sector, and is also the creator of @TeachersofEnglish, an Instagram account in which she shares teaching ideas and resources daily.
Iman Hassan Zain has taught students of all levels for 17 years in Egypt. She is also a teacher educator supervisor for the British Council. She presented her competition-winning ideas on climate in the classroom in a webinar in November 2023.
Nurohman has been an English teacher in a vocational school in East Java, Indonesia since 2009. He is also currently a PhD candidate in the field of English Language Teaching in Universitas Negeri Malang, and is interested in digital literacy and educational technology.
Link now working
Hi Devsahota
Thanks for your comment - the link is now working, so you can register. Thanks for letting us know and hope you enjoy the event!
TeachingEnglish team
May I please know how to register for AI for learning – mini-event on 11 September 2024. The registration link isn't working. Thanks a lot ☺️