Webinars for teacher educators

Does your work include facilitating the professional development of teachers? Do you provide support and mentoring to pre- and in-service teachers? Do you deliver teacher training, or lead a community of practice for teachers? Do you work as a school inspector or conduct research into teacher education or have one of the many other roles undertaken by teacher educators? If so, then these webinars are for you. If you are a teacher, visit our Webinars for teachers page.

Our monthly interactive webinars for teacher educators are facilitated by experts in teacher education and English language teaching. Our webinars for teacher educators are held monthly and are completely free.

Certificates are available for all attendees.

Choose a session below
woman in head scarf, smiling

The place of English

Watch the recording of our webinar on how teacher educators can help teachers to make strategic choices in their use of English and other languages in their classrooms.

Girl in a classroom

Language and inclusion in a refugee setting

Watch a recording of this webinar, which took place on Tuesday, 16 July 2024, where Rod Hicks and Lucy Maina facilitated a discussion on the role of language in ensuring inclusion in a complex language setting.

Research and insight

Browse fascinating case studies, research papers, publications and books by researchers and ELT experts from around the world.

See our publications, research and insight