Goldilocks and the three bears

This lesson introduces learners to a traditional story about a girl called Goldilocks.

Sally Trowbridge

In this lesson, children listen to and read the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, perform a play based on the story and sing a song. They then play a game and invent their own fairy story online.


Fairy stories, Goldilocks and the three bears


  • To develop learners' listening and speaking skills

  • To enjoy activities based around a traditional fairy story


Younger primary (7–9 years)


60 minutes

File attachments
Lesson plan185.8 KB


Hi Nahla

You can find the story to read and/or print by following the links in the lesson plan. This is the link to where you can find them on the LearnEnglish kids website:

Hope you enjoy the lesson,


TeachingEnglish team

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