Same, opposite or different dictation

This is an activity for advanced or, at least, upper intermediate students.

Ana Paola Reginatto
13 - 17

Dictate to the students pairs of words (e.g. hold/embrace, high/tall) and ask them to classify the pairs as Same, Opposite or Different. Once you have finished dictating the pairs of words, the students should compare their choices with their partner and explain their reasons, especially the pairs classified as different (why are they different?) or same (are they always synonyms? Are there slight differences in meaning and connotation? Are there differences in collocation). If you wanted, students could use dictionaries to check ideas.

After the students have discussed the words, elicit the pairs to the board and deal with spelling, pronunciation and meaning.

This activity can be done to introduce vocabulary that will be found in a text, listening activity or song lyrics, but also for reviews. So, you find words in the text, and think of partners for them for the S.O.D. dictation.

The activity is demanding but it is an excellent way to explore vocabulary and shades of meaning.

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