About the webinar
Considering that our brains are the key tool for learning, it is surprising how rarely teacher education focuses on neuroscience. Education is full of vague statements about only using 10% of our brains, or using the right or left brain, or being a kinaesthetic learner, but are these really based in science? In this session we look at what recent research has to tell us about learning, looking specifically at motivation and memory, and how to apply these findings in the classroom to help students learn more easily and effectively.
About the speaker
Rachael Roberts is an ELT teacher, teacher trainer and materials writer, and has published a number of coursebooks, including Navigate B1+ and B2 and Reach Up 1 and 2 for OUP and New Total English Intermediate and Real Life Advanced for Pearson.
She has always been interested in the interpersonal side of teaching and learning and, having recently completed a Diploma in Coaching at the University of Warwick, she is keen to share what she learnt about the fascinating subject of neuroscience.