Understanding language systems

Enrolment for Understanding language systems is now closed. Find resources connected to the course contents on this page, and sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date on when our courses open.

Welcome to 'Understanding language systems'

How will the course help you?

Develop your understanding of functional language and grammar and learn how to apply this knowledge to your teaching through reflection, analysis and effective presentation of use and form.

What does the course include?

Understanding language systems is a self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. It also includes:

  • A dedicated Facebook community of course participants with up-to-date insight, resources and innovative ideas for you to try out.
  • Engaging discussions taking place in the Facebook community
  • Live events with your course tutor and language teaching experts.
  • A free workbook with extra learning content and resources.

What will you learn?

Module 1 - Understanding functional language

The aim of this module is to look at how teaching functional language helps your learners, how you can identify functions to cover in your syllabus, and practical ways of introducing and practising functional language with learners.

Module 2 - Understanding grammar

The aim of this module is to deepen your understanding of English grammar and to help you reflect on and talk about it. You'll learn about different aspects of grammar, what kinds of difficulties your learners have with grammar and how to relate knowledge of grammar to your classroom teaching. 

Module 3 - Understanding grammar – focus on form

The aim of this module is to help you consider how to present the use and form of language effectively.

When is the course?

Enrolment for Understanding language systems is now closed. Find resources connected to the course contents on this page, and sign up to the free newsletter to keep up to date on when our courses open.

How much does the course cost?

The course is free.

How can you get a certificate?

You will receive a certificate if you successfully complete all self-study modules.

What level of English do you need?

Minimum CEFR B1

What can you do now?

If you're interested in learning more about language systems, you can:



Submitted by nazerke.10 on Tue, 12/17/2024 - 08:53

It's usefull

Submitted by Aye AyeMu on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 08:40

nice to meet you all

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Thu, 11/28/2024 - 09:09

In reply to by teklemerebatea…

Hi and thanks for your comment.

Enrollment for this course is now closed as the course ends on 30 November. You can still download the course workbook, which has lots of useful resources and links so that you can find out more about the topic.

You can also see our courses calendar with our upcoming courses here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/2024-04/Training_courses_2024-25_calendar.pdf



TeachingEnglish team

Hi SpringTulip,

Thanks for your comment.

Enrollment for this course is now closed as the course ended on 30 November. You can still download the course workbook, which has lots of useful resources and links so that you can find out more about the topic.

You can also see our courses calendar with our upcoming courses here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/2024-04/Training_courses_2024-25_calendar.pdf



TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by maheshiyer1 on Wed, 10/16/2024 - 09:36

Very useful for any teacher who is using English as a medium of instruction. very minute level research is made to render such an microlevel guidance. Thank you, a load, for updating me in Understanding language systems. God bless you all for such a noble thought of free online education to those who really deserve.

Submitted by Ei Phyo Zin on Tue, 10/08/2024 - 12:29


Submitted by mpkhaing on Mon, 09/30/2024 - 16:25

Kindly let me know my facing issue.Even I enrolled the courses, I could not see the MY PORTFOLIO. What i need to do at my side? Kindly help to check and really appreciate for your assist

Hi mpkhaing

Thanks for your message and sorry that you are having problems accessing your course. We have had a technical issue that we are working to resolve. In the meantime, I’ve restored your course access so you should be able to work on your course in the usual way now.

We have extended the course deadline to 7th October. 

Please let us know if you are still having problems. 



TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by julen4ik on Thu, 09/26/2024 - 20:37

I am experiencing an issue with enrolling in a training course on your platform. I created my account today and logged in successfully, but when I clicked the button to "enroll in this free course," it directed me to a new page that failed to load.
As I am new to the platform, I am unsure if there are any additional steps I need to take before I can register for courses. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? If there is a waiting period for new accounts or any other requirements, I would appreciate your guidance.

HI julen4ik

Thanks for your message and sorry to hear that you are having problems enrolling. In theory, once you click the button, you should be able to enrol immediately. I've just checked and it seems to be working fine.

Can you try again and please let us know if you are still having problems - if you could send us a screenshot to Teachingenglish@britishcouncil.org that would be helpful.



TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by Gonzalo Ricardo on Thu, 07/04/2024 - 12:39

Is there any training courses to be prepared for CAE Cambridge exams? I would like to take it. Let me know if there is, please. I would appreciate a lot.

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Fri, 07/05/2024 - 08:13

In reply to by Gonzalo Ricardo

Hi Gonzalo

As we aim to support English language teachers around the globe, here at TeachingEnglish we don't offer training courses for language learners. If you search for your local British Council or other teaching centre, you should be able to find information about preparation courses for the Cambridge exams. You could also check the Cambridge website here: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/

Hope that helps,


TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by SundasRizwan on Sat, 06/22/2024 - 17:06

How to get the workbook?

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Thu, 06/27/2024 - 07:52

In reply to by SundasRizwan

Hi SundasRizwan

Thanks for your comment. The workbook for this course will be available nearer the course start date (the course starts in October). Keep checking back on this page.



TeachingEnglish team

Submitted by Tamuna_Telia on Sat, 05/25/2024 - 19:26

I would like to improve language and attend this module

Submitted by Cath McLellan on Mon, 05/27/2024 - 07:46

In reply to by Tamuna_Telia

HI Tamuna

You will be able to sign up for this course later in the year, as it opens in October. In the meantime, you can download the participant workbook (above) and also sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with all our latest courses, live events and resources. You can sign up here: https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/subscribe-our-newsletter

Hope that helps,


TeachingEnglish team

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