Cornish and Jenkins (2012) argue that teachers who engage in regular critical reflection shape their own development and this self assessment is a key element in continual self improvement, and consequently, teacher quality. The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework by the British Council also highlights professional development as teachers' responsibilities to grow professionally. This fits in perfectly with Domains 4 and 5 of Vietnam's English Teacher Competency Framework (Dzuzik, 2008). However, reflective practice activities in reality, may it be carried out by many Vietnamese teachers frequently or not, appear to be questionable with regards to how deep the reflection is and how well it might inform their professional practices. When surveyed, a number of teachers attributed their surface reflection to a lack of formal training in professional development as well as a model for doing reflection (Tran, 2014).
Watch a recording of this talk below
Before you watch, think about these questions:
- When has a personal experience of learning challenged what you thought was good teaching or training practice?
- When has student or trainee feedback challenged an assumption you held about how best to support learning?
- When, and how, has a colleague helped you to think about your practice differently?
- What is an insight or idea from research and theory that has helped you see your teaching or training activities in a different light or clarified an issue for you?
Watch the webinar recording:
After you watch activities
Tran Thi Hieu Thuy and Nguyen Thi Kim Phuong suggest practical ideas and tools for the reflective lenses.
- Which tools could you use in your own self-development as a teacher educator?
- Which tools could you suggest for the teachers you work with?
- How can you help teachers you work with to fully engage with and develop their reflective practice?
Enhancing quality of reflection
how to improve your portfolio by formulating four lens.constant feedback is required to enhance the teaching skills.
Additional information to us…
Additional information to us teachers. Thank you so much!
Enhancing quality of reflection
very infotmative and useful to apply at present teachings
Thank you again