We have a great range of motivating and bright, colourful classroom rules posters for your primary classroom, designed to help remind your students about how to behave in class. Kids will love them!
The in the jungle theme poster is available to download in two versions below.
The poster with completed speech bubbles gives five key classroom rules:
- Speak in English!
- Try your best!
- Listen!
- Hands up!
- Respect each other!
The poster with blank speech bubbles can be used as a first class activity:
Give out copies and ask your students to work in pairs to fill in the blank speech bubbles with their own ideas of what they think the five golden classroom rules are. Put the students' completed posters around the classroom and ask everyone in the class to vote on the best five ... or ten ... or twenty!
Have a look at our other themes:
Classroom rules teach students the proper and safe way to act in the class and school...
If there is no rules it may lead students to hurt each other .. Colourful posters is an effective way to catch and hold the attention of young learners , it's very important, and it help to maintain their interest.