Welcome to TeachingEnglish: How to teach speaking
How will the course help you?
Develop your understanding of speaking skills and explore teaching techniques and activities which promote oral communication in the classroom for a range of ages and levels.
What does the course include?
How to teach speaking is a free self-study training course, which is divided into three hour modules. It also includes:
- A dedicated Facebook community of course participants with up-to-date insight, resources and innovative ideas for you to try out.
- Engaging discussions taking place in the Facebook community
- A free workbook with extra learning content and resources.
What will you learn?
- Module 1: Understanding speaking – key terms and issues
The aim of this module is to explore key terms and issues in the teaching of speaking. You'll look at how to evaluate and modify activities in terms of communicative quality, and consider how to get your learners using 'real speaking', not just completing grammar tasks.
- Module 2: Understanding speaking – maximising interaction
The aim of this module is to introduce you to a range of techniques and activities which promote speaking in your classroom. You'll look at the benefits of pair and group work and adapt tasks to maximise learner interaction.
- Module 3: Understanding language practice activities
The aim of this module is to explore and evaluate a range of practice activities. The module also looks at flexible activities that can be adapted for different ages and levels. You have the opportunity to select appropriate activities which match with lesson aims, and justify your choices.
When is the course?
How to teach speaking will be open from 3 April-30 September 2025. Enrolment will open soon.
How much does the course cost?
The course is free.
How can you get a certificate?
You will receive a certificate if you successfully complete all self-study modules.
What level of English do you need?
Minimum CEFR B1
What can you do now?
If you're interested in learning more about teaching speaking, you can:
- Get teaching ideas from our Courses for teachers Facebook community.
- Access learning content related to our courses on Facebook (Facebook account required).
- Access teaching resources on the TeachingEnglish website
- Download the free course workbook.
Course closed for enrolment
Hi Erica
I'm afraid the course is now closed for enrolment - we will be offering it again later in 2022.
TE Team
Enrolling on the course
Hi prishah
The course is now closed for enrolment - we expect the course to be available again later on this year.
TE Team
Answering the questions
Hi Team,
I seem to have trouble in clicking the answers!! I can't seem to drop the answer in the right box. Please help.
Technical help
Hi Rosily
Can you use the orange "Help" button in the bottom-right-hand corner of the course page? Someone from the technical team should be able to help resolve your issue.
TE Team
Course closed for enrolment
Hi Noraflower
This course is now closed for enrolment. We expect to offer the course again later this year.
TE Team
Enroll problem solved
Hi everyone. I was one of the people who had problem to enroll in the course. Here are the steps I followed to overcome the problem:
1- Click on the course name;
2- Access the link provided on step 2 " Visit our course website!. After clicking on the link, you will be directed to a new page where you'll find " enroll in activity" option.
After that, you will receive an email by the teacher development team.
I hope my comment helped.
remain stated "unknown user" on certificate of completion.
I have worked on all the modules and exercises but my name remains appeared unknown user on certificate of completion. I have checked all the stages and modules many times but the problem remains unsolved. Please, kindly request solution on this issue. Thank you.
Help button
Hi roy_asmadi
Please can you use the orange "Help" button on the course page to report this issue? Someone from the technical team should be able to help resolve this for you.
TE Team
Help me to enroll this course
I have tried to follow guide step to enroll this course. But I still can't enroll it.
Enrolling on the course
Hi Naim
Sorry to hear you are having problems - can you let us know which stage of the enrollment you are having problems with? Have you managed to create an account?
TE Team
Hello, I do not have the
Hello, I do not have the option to enroll 'Teaching pathways: how to teach speaking',
I have seen the comments and followed the suggestions, but I do not have this course as an option in "Explore all courses" ., I only had Teaching pathways: How to teach pronunciation. I have succesfully enrolled this course, but not the one - how to teach speaking. Please help.
Technical help
Hi KatarinaT
If you are enrolled and can access the "Explore all courses" page, but the course doesn't appear, could you please use the orange "Help" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page to report this to the technical team - they should be able to help resolve this for you.
TE Team
Technical issues
Hi Erick
If you are enrolled but having some technical issues, please contact the technical team by using the orange "Help" button in the bottom right of the screen to report this problem - they should be able to resolve the issue.
TE Team
Enrolling on the course
Hi Auroraacademy
Have you followed the steps 1-4 above to create an account? If so, you should see the "My Portfolio" tab at the top of this page. You can click on that, and then "My courses" - this will take you to the courses homepage. From there, you can click on "Explore all courses" and then click to register for the courses that you want to do.
Hope that helps,
TE Team
I'm enrolled this course "How
I'm enrolled this course "How to reach speaking' but I have no access on it's moduls
Getting technical help
Hi Teona
If you are enrolled but can't access the course modules, please use the orange "Help" button on the bottom-right of the course page to report this.
TE Team
Asynchrone courses?
Hi there,
I would be interested to attend/watch some of the courses on your platform. However, I don't use Facebook and cannot always join the live events because I am working at these particular hours.
Is it possible to watch the different courses in an asynchrone way?
Course content
Hi bachofnerp,
Yes, you don't have to join the Facebook Live events (in fact, these are "extra" to the course content, and are available to watch later too). If you enrol on a course, you can follow the content at your own pace, when it's convenient for you.
TE Team
No enroll button
I created an account, visited the course website and the only course available on there is the Teaching pronunciation course, but not the Teaching speaking course. It says that we can enroll by 31st January, but there no enroll an activity button and the course is not listed. How do I enroll please?
Technical help
Hi beti_mkd
If you are on the course website and can't see the courses in the "Explore all courses" tab, can you contact the technical team to report this? Click on the orange "Help" button on the bottom right-hand corner of the page - they should be able to help resolve this issue.
TE Team
Sorry but i didn't find how
Sorry but i didn't find how to enroll the course
Enrolling on the course
Hello Asma Skhiri
You need to follow steps 1-4 above. Once you have created an account and logged on, you will see the "My Portfolio" tab at the top of this page in the menu bar. Click on this and then "My Courses". This will take you to the courses homepage. There you can click on "Explore all courses", where you will see all the courses that are currently available and you can click on the ones you want to register for.
Hope that helps,
TE Team
I have finished 3 modules of this course but certificate is not available. I spent 3 weeks to do this course but no certificate.......
Certificate issue
Hi Yasmin Saeed,
Please use the orange "Help" button on the bottom right hand side of the coursepage to report this issue - they should be able to help resolve it so you can get your certificate.
TE Team
How can I study the course?
Course content
Hi Ashin Aloka
The course has already started, but you are free to follow it at your own pace (until 7th February). If you are logged in and enrolled in the course, you can either click on the "Your week ahead" tab or the "Your learning" tab to see what you still have to complete. Then click the Start button for the module you are working on. If you can see "Module 1" you just need to scroll down the page to access the activities and click on "Start task"
Hope you enjoy the course,
TE Team
I would like to perform my
I would like to perform my teaching methodes
I have completed the course and got 80% but there is no available certificate to be downloaded in My award. What should I do to get my certificate? Will there be any information about the course duration (hours, days, weeks, credits (ECTS))? Thanks.
Hi Nickoleg629
For questions about issues with certificates, can you contact the technical team - you can do this through the orange "Help" button in the bottom right corner of the page.
TE Team
How to teach speaking
Good job, some of techniques are interested me, I think, teachers can use it in practice
Posting on the course
Hi Arkuna
You should work through the activities on the course page - all activities will be saved and shown in your course progress.
You don't need to post here - in fact, the best place to interact with other participants is on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/howtoteachspeaking
Hope that helps,
TE Team
I'm not able to enroll
I can't enroll in this course. I follow all the steps and instructions. Whenever I click on explore all cources, I'll find only the course of how to teach prononciation available. Could you help me please ?
Enrolling on the course
Hello Wissal.B
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with enrolling, even though you are logged in and on the "Explore all courses" page. You need to report this to the technical team. You can do that by clicking on the orange "Help" button on the bottom right hand side of the course page.
I hope they will be able to resolve your issue.
TE Team
speaking is a problem for kids
There is a silent period in speaking especially when teaching kids.Sometimes you switch on the songs,play,role-play and there are children who are not interested i this and have a lot of affairs,shy.They prefer not to play and just watch other pupils dance,sing.Sometimes I feel that it's not interesting at all.I have got 1 pupil from 9.I don't know how to engage him in speaking,singing,reading.He just listens to me.In everyday life he is very active and noisy.In what way can I make him /envolve in classroom activity??
Speaking and young learners
Hi Agustyna37
This might be an interesting topic to post in the Teaching Speaking Facebook group - you can find a link to it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/howtoteachspeaking
TE Team
English speaking
I have already signed in and gotten into the course page, but I can not see the "enroll " key.
Enrolling on the course
Hi sreekala123,
If you are logged in and on the course homepage, you need to click the green tab that says "Explore all courses" - you will find all of the available courses there. You just need to click where it says "Enrol in activity".
Hope that helps!
TE Team
Course help
Hi sabreen saleh
Sorry to hear that you are having problems with your progress being recorded. Can you report this to the course technical team? You need to contact them by using the orange "Help" button on the bottom right hand corner of the courses page.
TE Team
Impossible to enrol
I've created a new account with the belief that maybe there was a problem with the old one, and the problem persists. I see that there are many people with the same problem. Maybe there's something wrong with the site, could that be possible?
Thanks for everything you share and all the priceless opportunities you give to us in terms of professional development and teaching ideas!
Enrolling on the course
Hi deltamodule1
Thanks for your feedback and sorry to hear that you are having problems with enrolling on the course. We are constantly checking to ensure that the course page and enrolment process are working correctly. Can you give some more details about where you are having problems? Have you logged in successfully? Have you opened the courses homepage? If you can tell us what specific problem you are having, we should be able to resolve it.
TE Team
Enrolling on the course
Hi Bakhitogreba,
To enrol, you need to follow steps 1-4 above. If you have created an account, make sure you are logged in. Then you will see a tab next to the Home button on the top of this page that says "My Portfolio" - if you click on this and then "My courses", this will take you to the courses homepage. From here you can click on "Explore all courses" (a green tab on the right) - you will be able to see all the available courses, and can click on "Enrol in activity" for the courses that interest you.
Hope that helps,
TE Team
I coudn't fin the course. It will be my first course, so I don't have a portafolio to look for it.