This lesson plan for adults and teenagers explores the concept of beauty and touches on bullying.

Katherine Bilsborough
13 - 17

This lesson was devised to mark World Vitiligo Day on 25 June. However, it could be used at any time of year as this is not specifically mentioned.

The lesson begins with students looking at a photo of a young woman with vitiligo and discussing their reactions to the photo. They then go on to read about a model with vitiligo, Chantelle Brown-Young (also known as Winnie Harlow), and discover what makes her special. The lesson reviews a range of tenses that might be used in a biography of a living person and looks at how to organise such a text, before the students go on to write their own.


  • Be analytical about beauty standards and become more tolerant of difference
  • Practise reading for specific information (true/false)
  • Revise a range of tenses that students should know at B1 level
  • Practise how to structure and write a biography-type text

Age and level:

Aged 13-17 and adults (CEFR B1)


95 minutes - This can be done over two lessons


  • Lesson plan
  • Presentation - This can replace the photograph and page two of the worksheet
  • Photograph
  • Worksheet
File attachments
Lesson plan207.36 KB
Presentation652.95 KB
Photograph152.62 KB
Worksheet 197.23 KB


Submitted by Jaybron10 on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 21:46

Hi there I used this teaching lesson last night and it was much enjoyed, thank you. Could I ask a question please? In task 5 the students are asked to identify various tenses in the text. All of my students identified 'she was born' as past simple but this is not in the key of all possible answers - because born is not a tense. Could you help me explain this to my students please. I know that they will argue 'she was' is past simple. I'm near exam time and an now doubting my own name! I would appreciate some clarification please. Thanks

Hello Jaybron10 Your students are right - this is a past tense, but the verb 'born' is a bit of an exception, as it is only ever used in the passive in English in this context (as in 'to be born'). So, 'was born' is the past simple passive, rather than just past simple. Hope that clarifies things! Thanks, Cath TE Team

Submitted by on Fri, 08/17/2018 - 15:15

In reply to by Jaybron10

if your students have had the passive voice. you should explain to the, she was born is passive voice.

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