CLIL for secondary schools

Watch a recording of Noreen Caplan-Spence's webinar about CLIL for secondary schools.

About the webinar

Recorded in 2011, Noreen explores what works in CLIL. She stresses the final L in CLIL. Learning is the focus of the session. In addition, she unpicks what is meant by CLIL in different contexts. Finally Noreen looks at some strategies that are practical, learning centered and inclusive.

About the speaker 

Noreen Caplen-Spence is a teacher and a teacher trainer based in Canterbury. She loves travelling and enjoying the arts wherever she happens to be.

Watch a recording of the webinar below.

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Submitted by AngelinaCorsi on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 20:04

The author expresses that CLIL is a bridge between one side of the curricula to the other side of it. This bridge is built in so many different ways and with different materials.

The first thing that we teachers have to take into account when designing an activity or project , is to ask ourselves: " What do you want your students to know?" and "What do you want your students to be able to?"

It is always necessary to set clear goals for different periods of time. It is always important to agree with our students clear goals in order to develop successful results.

It is important to bare in mind how we learn our L1, giving opportunities to develop the four skills properly and to give processing time. Students need time to do, to think, to say, to read and to write something together and on their own. 

It is important to remember that students learn by doing. We as teachers have to be facilitators and we have to create the environment for learning. 

The webinar was really interesting and motivating. It provided us with tools we need to make the teaching-learning process an enriching one. 

Thanks Noreen!

Submitted by magaliceolin on Wed, 08/12/2020 - 18:50

I loved this webinar! It was enlightening for me. The most interesting things I took from the webinar to keep in mind, in my opinion, are:

We need to train our students on both: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP).

Speaking and Listening are the bridge towards reading and writing.

Scaffolding is crucial in developing our students’ skills.

We learn from and with each other (the more knowing other does not need to be the teacher).

We have to make learning a challenge but not too much a challenge.

We need to make CLIL easy to learn considering that learning in another language is extremely demanding (providing multi-sensory inputs, processing time and scaffolding to speak, time to share and think).

People are more likely to remember what they do, say and write than what they hear, see and read.

Rule of 3, 2, 1: At the end of each lesson we can ask our students about 3 things they remember, 2 things they need to revise and 1 question they have.

We can negotiate the mark with our students in order to promote self-assessment and to reinforce the focus on learning.

Submitted by Rob Lewis (not verified) on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 09:54

Hi again Blurges

Yes, that was my colleague Phil who'd left his microphone on :) something I noticed after this particular webinar too. 

Best wishes


Submitted by Rob Lewis (not verified) on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 09:38

Hi there - I've just opened registration, so you will be able to sign up!


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