Self assessments with students

Self- assessments are the most important and effective tools to gauge one’s own progress.

If one is able to identify and see one’s own movement , it builds up a lot of confidence which in return has a domino effect on his or her motivation for learning. In addition to informing instruction and developing learners with the ability to guide their own instruction it helps in sharing and understanding of learning intentions in relation to successful learning.

I use self-assessments for students regularly in my spoken English classes and find them effective. Unlike General English Courses , where there is a prescribed syllabus and tests based on them ,mapping progress in spoken English course isn’t very clear cut. Since there aren’t any clear tangible/measurable results available for students to see ,a sense of progress is not very ambiguous.

Self -assessment puts them on the track to think and contemplate on their own performance. It can also be useful in identifying their strengths and areas for development. There are different techniques that I often encourage my students to use to evaluate their own learning especially in the context of Spoken English Classes: Written self-Reflection: At the end of a class or a particular activity, using a set of reflective questions like: What is the most important thing I learned today? What is the new thing I learned? What is that I didn’t know and got to know today? Is there anything I have not understood?

Positives: This will give them an idea on their ‘take–home’ for the day. Help them evaluate their progress from unknown to known, prior knowledge to current Give them a sense of satisfaction and motivation to know beyond Develop skills to monitor their own learning and adapt as necessary Minimize the blame game and disappointments. Polls and surveys: Having class polls or surveys that have an evaluative element ,verbal or a questionnaire can reveal a lot of information about their ‘understanding’ and comprehension of the task. It can help them evaluate the exercise, its usefulness and benefits. Help them get an idea about their peers’ opinion of what they’ve learned in relation to the aims of the program of study .This may also include development of skills such as team working, negotiation, networking or problem solving.

Task based Activities: These can be used as a vehicle to promote self and peer assessment in spoken English courses. For example a problem solving task that would generate and offer opportunity for learners to produce real and extended discourse that cater to their needs and that may help them replicate in real life. Student based evaluation Give students a questionnaire after the lesson for them to write their attitude and opinion towards the technique and tasks. Create assessment criteria based on the parameters in line with the aims of the lesson and their needs. For example: Was I able to perform the task? Was I able to generate Ideas? Did I use functional language? Did I use signpost language?

Alternatively they can observe their peer and assess them again set criteria’s relevant to assessing the task.

Positives: They can compare their work over time with their peer, learn from their own mistakes.

1. Review mistakes, Internalise the expectations and the criteria’s’, and work towards improving their performance.

2. Take responsibility of their own learning. Video Recording: One of the most tried-and-true methods for actually seeing and self -evaluation is to watch yourself doing it. Encourage learners to voice record or video record each other’s presentation /speeches using their phones. Students then sit in pairs/groups, watch the recording and assess the task against the set criteria’s or what to look for Some questions that can be used are: • Am I loud and clear? • Do I fumble or reformulate my language? • Do I do anything annoying or distracting with my voice, gestures, posture, etc.? Positives: Students can be their biggest critics. Makes their flaws apparent that they need to overcome. Gives them an insight into what they do well and what is to be worked upon. Good way to focus on some specific aspects of performance and establish areas to work on. Develops self- reflection skills. Students can be one another’s resource/skills. Clear and unbiased opinion from peer.

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